The E! star feels torn about talking to husband Michael about his recent affair. Watch what Veronika's sister tell her on "Second Wives Club".
About Second Wives Club:
“Second Wives Club” follows six women who are married or engaged to wealthy, powerful men. Shiva Safai, Katie Cazorla, Veronika Obeng, Shawna Craig, Tania Mehra and Morisa Surrey may indulge in mermaid pool parties, live in multi-million dollar homes and have luxury cars with champagne refrigerators, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to navigate the complications that come with having stepchildren, managing their own careers, and being a second, third, fourth or even fifth wife.
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Will Veronika Obeng Confront Her Cheating Husband? | Second Wives Club | E!
Notification squad where are you watching from ? Me 🇬🇭😁😅
Abimbola and Jose all the way from togo!!
Abimbola and Jose Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
She deserves so much better. She seems like a kind, caring wife
agree, 100 percent .. she was committed to him and has it all, he will one day regret it !
Veronika is going through some tough times, but she will get through this ❤️
Shivaughn Sirju that’s my cousin she is a cool person
He may be a classic Narcissist always looking for a new toy and then the discard like she never existed.
2daldridge yep
i really feel like she shouldn’t have played this for the show
well listen to your children sometimes the little girl may be traumatized over what happened to mother in Paris!
oops sorry that was regarding Kim k
regarding Veronika after hearing her on kgfj radio the other day belittleing the other host for not taking a date to a high price restaurant but getting to know her over coffee at Starbucks then joking about the in expensive car that was really none of her business my word for her is GOLDIGER
wht episode is this, her sister is beautiful. 👌👌
Franskie Salif 88hi
This was hard to watch and embarrassing. Her daughter’s need her to demonstrate strength by not accepting so much disrespect so they won’t grow up tolerating the same disrespect.
Why do some women think they can change a man? Are you kidding?
may be because he was a famous doctor and was thinking more about the lifestyle and less about the compatibility
Understanding Culture is very important. Marriage in Nigerian culture is very prevalent at younger ages than in the US. It would be crazy to think this man had not been married before. Also in some cases, having multiple wives is not frowned upon and is acceptable.
That’s my cousin I didn’t even know she was on a show go head Ronnie love you kin folk
Broke nigaz cheat, you really think a wealthy man wont cheat on you.
Sonia Ndukwe lol Right
Sonia Ndukwe You shouldn’t expect a man will cheat.
She thought she could fix him, oh well she fixed him alright to keep treating her exactly like he does, because she allows it and ain’t going nowhere and he knows it. So keep being a doormat, put up or shut up. Keep loving him and getting disrespected.
In 3 years she made him the man that he is? She went to med school for 12 years?
All police must be bonded and insured and all settlement money should come from the police pension fund, No the tax payers! GlobalFreeHousing.org (Get off the Grid!)
Bm think they’re the prize. Lame.
both of them are narcs. she could have avoided but she is also in for the money
Nigerian? That should have been the first red flag
They are beautiful