Veronika has a heart-to-heart with Katie Cazorla about her life being turned upside down. Hear Katie's advice to her friend on "Second Wives Club".
About Second Wives Club:
“Second Wives Club” follows six women who are married or engaged to wealthy, powerful men. Shiva Safai, Katie Cazorla, Veronika Obeng, Shawna Craig, Tania Mehra and Morisa Surrey may indulge in mermaid pool parties, live in multi-million dollar homes and have luxury cars with champagne refrigerators, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have to navigate the complications that come with having stepchildren, managing their own careers, and being a second, third, fourth or even fifth wife.
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Veronika Obeng Tells Katie About Her Husband's Infidelity | Second Wives Club | E!
very very pathetic absolutely pathetic
She ain’t going nowhere. She love that fab life
Amber Logan actually, they divorced and she still lives a fab life because he probably has to pay a lot of money for the 3 children they have togheter
Laf Oprea Hopefully she screwed him and gets a good chunk of change. He us low life schum. He shouldn’t be allowed to date another woman.
Shiva, you are not a second wife. You are shacked up with an old, rich man who still hasn’t married you. If you’re willing to settle for that girl, then go on.
Love Katie! She’s awesome!
veronika , this made me cry, Micheal did the same thing to me after he divorced his wife in Houston! Micheal Will never change, his a lier and a fraud! you should ask him how he went though medical school! lol more lies! run girl ! you wife # 4 i guess he didn’t tell you about ex wife #3
Did you see her visit to the financial adviser? She wanted to know how much money she needed to continue her lifestyle if she left her husband – at least $1 million (take home) a year.
Cleopatra Ireland
Hmm know am curious..how did he go through med school ? I was actually proud of him being a black plastic surgeon cuz they are rare but know you make him sound so shady…..
Cleopatra Ireland, whether he’s a liar, a cheat or whatever, he is still a highly competent, gifted and very knowledgeable plastic surgeon. He’s simply gifted. You ladies might have your issues with him but you cannot take the gift from him. Period. Deal with yourselves!
mizzmolly that’s what’s up. They have 3 kids.
African men will never be faithful.
Not true Michael obinim oven is not faithful
Neneham1966 as a an african woman I cosign this. When Veronika was telling her story I had a dej ja vu of almost every woman I knew growing up. As Veronika spoke I could feel the anger and pain of every woman I’ve ever known. African men will destroy you!
Neneham1966 right
Initially felt sorry for veronika , until someone posted a link on her insta about the home she rented after separating from Michael . Long story short , she kept writing bad checks to cover the rent until she was served with eviction and before getting escorted out of her home by the sherif , guess who saved her ? Lol , Michael ! I guess there’s 2 sides to the story and she’s very shady !
Woot there it is…….

He’s supposed to take care of her. She gave him kids. Relax.
+Neander Doe exactly
Ummm, she’s just trying to keep a roof over her and the kids head. What’s wrong with that?
+Mya Mya Exactly
Is no one gonna talk about that waiter…..
I love Katie