Tiffany Haddish had a difficult New Year's Eve during her show in Miami … especially when the crowd started to disperse mid-show.
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Damn got paid just to talk stuff that isnt funny
Gabriel Reyes shes a thief. I wouldn’t have paid her.
This is what Monique and Kat was talkin about

Same people that think they doing something that think they was up you always see them coming down but people shitted and turned on Monique and all she did was Remain humble and Monique so real she probably hated this happened to Tiffany.
Right Tracey Bean

and I don’t have anything against Tiffany, she hasn’t put n enough time 4 them 2 give her that type of seniority over Monique. Has she proven herself n movies maybe, but stand-up… stand-up???????!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As if Monique can call any one out, Monique has never been funny with her “I hate skinny girls” schtick. I never thought her big girl problems stand-up was relatable.
Moniques last stand-up destroyed the place, she had the crowed Cry with laughter and Mo has had long time in the game, this is Tiffany at her prime and she is Bombing haaaard!!…….your in denial…
I can understand u feeling that way about Monique, because I use 2 say the same thing about her and I equated that to her having low self-esteem about herself instead of doing something about it, but she did stop making those jokes and she started to talk about things that was funny not that she wasn’t already funny, but she wasn’t poking fun at herself. U was pulling a i’ll laugh at me b4 u do.
She for got her set.
And she is dressed like a R&B singer.. nothing funny about that..
Simmore,and Monique and the greats can pull this look off..
Tiff bombed big time..
If she forgot her set, a REAL comedian can recover mid stride and go off pure skill. She has none. She’ll bounce back from this with another crazy-promoted movie/stand-up. I personally don’t/never cared for her. She’s not funny but her marketing team will get her more gigs.
She trash
Nukka ya motha
Katt Williams was not lying nobody wants to hear the truth about this woman but the truth ALWAYS comes out
Yeah she not that funny.
Katt Williams was telling the truth.
+Dazzling Jewel look at that, we had civilized youtube interaction, we’re the future.

+Jonathon Lastname love it
+Dazzling Jewel that is his opinion..if you don’t think. she is funny that’s fine, if someone else thinks she is funny that’s fine. People don’t have to think like you.
+Jason Reekmans tell us more lol
+West Coast Ego well 1st joke….she told a joke about being to rich to “Squab”. It was funny but got lost in translation She told 5 jokes like that in row). Thee equivalent of bringing a “64 Impala to a Miami car show of Donks on 30’s; yeah they are both technically Impalas but in Miami Donks are KING. I respect her thou, she stayed the whole time didn’t run away. pour shots of peach Ciroc out ofthe BIG bottle. took question. took pictures. (Overall a bad situation turned into something real good and special).
Ever notice how there’s only one black comedian famous at a time? Kevin Hart is it right now and he sold you guys on this woman. Tiffany is not funny but she is marketed to be a voice for loud mouth women of color. As a woman of color and mother I detest her voice, yes her actual voice and the voice she has been given, (undeserved), to continue the downward spiral of black women. Attention seeking, crass, neck jerking is not what I was raised to be, admire or copy or praise. To see women of color support her at all is beyond me but speaks volumes about their acceptance and contamination with this foolishness !
abandoned failer oh
+Don Perignon I hear you,BUT he is annoying and childish…what about that guy Emmanuel,something?..hes funny.
+S Dawoo Bro peep whats goin on DC YOUNG FLY IS ABOUT TO B IN 3 OF THE “BIGGEST MOVIES” THIS YEAR 2019! He gotnthe 85 south show bro u gotta sit back and look at whats goin on…. Its EVIDENT!
I dont really like dc young fly either but u gotta “RESPECT THE GRIND” but ull see bro Come back to this comment in about 6 months to a year 

…. Now black people can’t be themselves to not show up as a stereotype? Girl what typa FOOLISHNESS is this?
Mo’nique!..Sommore!..& all those other lady comedians are way more Funnier!. She didn’t say anything damn-funny!..In that Space-Age-No-Pimpin’!..Outfit.
The audience should demand they money back!.. Cause she’s Un-Funny!..
Yes I was just saying this.. mo’nique is really good on her feet and she can command respect from her audience… she is super talented and one of the only stand up comedians I actually think is funny
I want to know what is messed up her not being funny
She never was funny her and Amy Schumer
She way better than Amy Schumer
TreyLedy ur so right, and once again nothin against Amy their just not funny on stage. Tiffany my be that good n her movie roles because she’s actually being herself playing herself, but Amy’s not even funny n something scripted.
Katt Williams was right and predicted this. She has no jokes that anybody remembers other than “She Ready” which is not a joke.
Tiffany is more successful at what she does than u will ever be in your Entire life….shes rich beautiful and very down to earth I see why the hate is real
Tyrelle Franklin I guess this goes for you 2. Since you know how everybody life is like on YouTube, idiot
Capo C No my business dies very well. But as for Tiffany Haddish you are witnessing the end of her demise and PETA has not even come after her yet with all of their money, clout and power. Tiffany could very well end up with a car load of mink and furs to sleep on.
You can’t party when u are being paid TO BE the party. Put the bottle down til after the show.
*Tiffany Was Never Funny To Me!* *She Was Always Doing To Much!* *Even In Her Acting!*
+Dazzling Jewel Get Em!
+Johnni Drasco Yess Indeed!
+Latrese S. Preach!!!

Aphrodittee exactly
Now ppl wanna listen to Katt
Uhhh, listen to Katt?!! Like don’t you have ears of your own. He ain’t the end all be all. Can’t you make an independent decision or have an individual thought about what is funny to you?!! I know I can.
+klwarren169 You do, well you jumping on the everyone hating on her bandwagon, so how is that independent
She ain’t funny
I just wish people would stop hopping on the bandwagon too when she was popping and new she was lit but now she had one bad night and EVERY BODY thinks she’s not funny. Somebody thought she was or she wouldn’t be up there in the first place.
+Summer Tynes Well I never found her funny, but like you said someone did.
Honestly I wouldn’t say she is funny…even though at first her acting ghetto was kinda humorous but anyone can get on stage and do that…I rather watch someone else sorry
Her and Kevin Hart aren’t funny
+MilkCh0c0lat3 no its an opinion. People need to learn facts from opinions; come on. That’s is taught in elementary school
+Eduardo Navarro the audience don’t have to buy tickets but they do. You don’t think he is funny that’s is fine, your opinion but the 50000 people who comes to his sold out shows do so…..one person opinion really doesn’t matter when 50000 more people think other wise.
+Cin Low you clearly lack comprehension skills (which was also taught in elementary school). When did any of us state that our opinion was a fact? Hell, even the original poster stated in his comment that his feelings for both Hart and Haddish were opinions.
I agree. She isn’t funny. Kevin use to be funny but he isnt to me now. Mike epps wasnt funny to me but now i find him hilarious.
the only real comic is Chris Tucker
This chick was never funny so katt was right
Medicating with alchohol! Don’t know her but wish her the best! She obviously needs professional help. A f*** up childhood does that to most! Nothing to be ashamed of! Is why so many others turn to drugs and alcohol! This too shall past! God bless her and happy new year everyone.
Alyssa Snider finally coming out of our shell?? Tf?? Havent we been out of our shell?? Havent we had great black musicians, authors, comedians, politicians, business leaders, actors, etc?? Some from the south?? Ray charles was born in my hometown in the south so what is this shell you speak of? Is it the shell you are trying to keep black folks in because as a black person i see no shell, only a false illusion of one. I bet you’re a liberal.
why do ppl say “Medicating with ______”?
Like Mike didn’t have enough Propofol? Prince: not enough Fentanyl? Whitney & Krissy need more Xanax? George Michael had “fatty liver”. John Candy had a heart attack. Nobody said these ppl were “medicating with food.” tha fuq?????
+Derek Fisher representation is an illusion. One person can not and should not represent the entire race of that specific person. Every one is different and by definition can’t be truly representative of Everything single person’s of there race. Let me tell you it doesent matter what race you are anyone can act like human garbeg.
leonardo vera thats a load of bull. If you have a job and are wearing a company t-shirt or uniform….are you not representing that company and should behave accordingly?? If you misrepresent that company image, what will happen?? Losing your job is just an illusion huh lol
If you claim to be a Christian but instead of doing what Jesus taught you are killing and raping and hurting others, isnt that misrepresentation of Christianity important and could cause people to lose salvation?? So much so that people lose sight of what being a Christian means. Because of how wolves in sheeps clothing misrepresent it? If the media shows black people as nothing but angry bitter mad people who cant get over slavery and pay sellouts to constantly portray that false image, isnt that misrepresentation important?
+Derek Fisher Relax. You guys are finally coming out of your shell in the South. You are starting to spread out PHYSICALLY. Take a look at race density maps of the U.S. since the civil war. You guys never left the racist hellhole you are still living in. And neither did the racist whites. Just spread out.
Tiffany You’re not funny at all! The only role she is good for is being ghetto loud and rachet. You can only play that role for so long. You will see what Hollywood will do to you once they get tired of you.
Yosiah TruthSeeker_7 Israel
Preach stupid!!!