Downing shots, intense knife fights, and hilarious guest stars–just another day on the set of "The Grace Helbig Show" Fridays at 10:30|9:30c on E!
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The Grace Helbig Show | Exclusive: Grace Helbig Goes Wild Behind the Scenes | E!
Grace is great at child proofing!
Great show, Grace! Hilarious. Also, keep the drinking game with videos and YouTubers coming. They’re amazing.
Go grace!!!
My favorite show forever and always
Can y’all post the full version of Flula’s theme song? I love the snippets we get!
Grace is doing a great job, perfection, tuna, etc.
Remember when Grace interviewed John Green about the fault in our stars and they had a second camera that was roaming slightly? i think that set up looked really intimate but added another feature to it. I think graces interviews would look nice with something like that to break it up a bit more
Not sure if it was Tyler Oakley’s sass or the comforting presence of a tiny human (doubtful), but it seemed much more casual this week! Loved it, Grace!
I agree!! I think Tyler add more emotion to the show!
Good on you E! For geoblocking this…. The show is shown on Fetch TV in Australia so why block this?
I love you so much and just want you to know that I am so proud of how far you’ve come, the show is so hilarious and awesome and tuna… Obviously. Just keep doing what you’re doing and stay amazing you beautiful idiot
Be a little more stupid on the show! Not stupid, stupid, but like a fun stupid
Omg need more on this!!
Grace and Tyler are a classic combo !!
We need Hannah Hart on the show
It keeps getting better!! More challenges! Make the show longer!! Those are my suggestions lol. <3
I loved that movie adult beginners it was great
You Should get married now Grace.Here I am…
1:10 I know my gal Grace so good from the moment I saw her holding all those things I thought “she is so gonna break one”
differently enjoy watching the clips online. i don’t have cable so i can never get to watch the show. i love grace and i happy i get to see some of the stuff on the TV show
Grace you need a cooking segment like the old days.
I died when she was “baby proofing” the kitchen