‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood’s Mug Shot in Domestic Battery Arrest

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department tells TMZ, Amber's boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, claimed she assaulted him while he was holding their 1-year-old son. The incident occurred at around 3:00 AM Friday after the couple got in a heated argument.

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  1. Amber will never learn, keep your damn hands to yourself. She needs to do serious time and longer!

    • EXACTLY because if the shoe was on the other foot, he’d already be sitting in jail!

    • @Lina Jand I named my ragdoll cat Amber? I should have changed her name, but I don’t have her anymore. My cat was so sweet, while Amber Portwood is a nutcase.

    • @Candy Girl Yeah…exactly. All Amber
      does is just beat the crap out of her baby daddies when they’re holding their kids in their arms! hhmmmmm…🤔well, I guess you have a point. Even though Andrew said he feared for his life and their baby’s life because of Amber losing her freaking mind…again…at least she hasn’t killed any dogs…not yet. Ugh. 😒

    • @Kim Bowens oh, i had know idea that Amber beat, kick then shot the baby in front of the kids like that evil boyfriend did to that dog.

  2. Smh. And I was just starting to think that she had finally decided to grow up, and was finally act like a damn adult.

    • I knew when she started scolding him like he was 5 yrs old, that things were headed in a bad direction. It’s like a signal that sometime soon, pooh is gonna hit the fan. When she’s verbally lashing out at Andrew, the different looks on his face, say it all.
      It’s like, “Dude!! Cut your losses and get the hell out of Dodge!!”

    • @Kim Walker Holy crap… Amber scares me when I see the way she looks 😠 at Andrew when he doesn’t agree 100% with whatever she says. He definitely should cut his losses and get outta Dodge… in a first class seat, on the next flight ✈️back to Malibu…courtesy of those TMOG paychecks that could be drying up very soon.🔜🔚

  3. I’ve been wondering for a long time when she was finally going to beat up on Andrew. I’ve never felt like she was stable in spite of all her changes. I’ve always looked at her as a ticking time bomb.

    • Same here Marianne Jacob!! For real, I’ve just been waiting for her to snap!!

    • @Erin Ross she finally did! I think we’ll all be interested in following this story closely! Didn’t she snap at Andrew, telling him he was being rude or something? I thought to myself okay, here we go, it’s just a matter of time.

    • Right and Andrew seems like such a nice man. She needs help. If the tables were turned he would be in such trouble so she should be as well

    • I agree! Not sure while she’s filled w/such rage, that she has to be little Andrew. I think she hates men! Poor baby James 🤷‍♀️

  4. Yep here we go again thought when she started dating him if he knew he’d probably be raising that baby alone cause shes not got a lot of mothering in her. She says it’s MTV that makes her look bad but I’m pretty sure they weren’t shooting there at 3 am so this is a lil of how she really is. Poor Andrew he moved to fast never knew what he was in for. And she really likes him unlike Gary. She hated him when they were together

  5. Amber has always been abusive to men,maybe shes the one with the weiner.!! because she doesn’t like anyone saying anything to her she knows it all…shes got too much testosterone.

    • Not to be rude but i dont think he can become a cop. Hes very overweight how is he going to chase after someone or even get through the police training camp?

    • @Taylor Fish You know what Taylor, I asked myself the same questions but he did. Lol. Maybe he kept bringing all the donuts and coffee? J.K Either way good for him.

    • He’s not in shape no, but if he passes the PT test then he can become a cop. Which is dumb! You can push yourself during a test but in real life I don’t see him chasing someone for very long…

    • Cece Kimberly only in USA and He’s not onlyone fat cop there! Never seen in Finland fat cop!

  6. She needs yo learn to keep her hands to herself before she really screws her life up. Domestic violence is never ok!!

  7. Andrew needs to get custody and leave. Its not a safe enviroment for that baby

    • C J yeah I know the guy you’re talking about. Has anyone ever talked to him? Because I only ever see him in his garage or driving in that same truck. I don’t even know his name..

  8. Wow suprise suprise now she will have another reason to sit around and cry and feel sorry for herself. Shes always the victim this poor guy seems so genuine N great father this is sad😥

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