Nipsey Hussle is dead because the gunman couldn't stand to see another person shining and leading his community by example … so says T.I.
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Satan is working over time… you’re either with the left hand path or the righteous, pick a side.
Nipsey the best gas out
+Jordan Stewart most race’s just copy blacks tho
+jay ok boy you slow did we go to the moon?? Did we build skyscrapers in Africa?? Did we create technology, did we bring digital apps to the world?? Hell did we even have a say so in WW1 or WW2 lol huh?? Oh your saying most races copy us cause of what how we dress lol if a girl’s wants a big butt lol or what they copy us being entertainers lol my guy what has my race done on it’s own beside follow others what has my race done for humanity please grow up boy you the reason why my race is down boy you need to read
Maybe if you put a few more emojis I’ll believe you. They come across as real intelligent and definitely set you apart as someone worth listening to.
You cannot do the devils work and expect gods favor! Black folks still pointing finger instead of looking in the mirror. We got to do better as a race of people and not worry about what other races do. We need to fix our conditions!
You telling the Damn truth.we as blacks are a sad case!!!
+Demetrius Wilburn I agree with you but,we have to do better!
Hail Satan!
“Y’all killed Xxx (now Nipsey), but let Zimmerman live, the Streets is done” – Jay-Z
+JoeTheGreat08 how you say you dont care about a person’s death?? X had family, friends and fans that loved him the same as Nipsey. Smh I hope when you die someone says they dont care about your death
Al G he’s no comparing, stop making it bout competition, they were both influential figures to their fan base and they were both different from other typical rappers
Already checkmate
I cared about X’s death as well as Nipsey
there is no shame in empathy .
..and they say it’s the white man i should fear, but it’s my own kind doing all the killing here…Tupac( only god can judge me)
+Awkward Occurrences. John 3:16 point being?
+KORN 1999 yeah, now you’re getting it. The first step is admitting the truth
+Ermas Doodles facts
+R3d Dr3

Sly W nah but he spoke truth. always. in every single rant.
People will kill you for your own things .. Rip hussle
+ShawBrothersGirl real talk
Damned if we do and damned if we dont.Another great man down, and it will never end.Super sad.
Jealousy can be a dangerous thing, people really need to take them Type of Toxic people seriously. Rest in peace Mr.Nispey hussle

Teddrick Johnson exactly!!!
So true its always the ppl you know..Rest well Nip
T.I. hit it right on the head man, especially after the surveillance footage. RIP NIP
I think its self-hate. We need to love ourselves no matter what we have or dont have in life.
In the words off 2pac shukur jealousy and envy comon from ma enamys
Word !!! Facts!!!!
Low Vibration’s it’s Levels between good and Horrible and if you are down that’s low vibrations
everyone alive should have high vibrations because your above ground
There level do this, high vibration people think act function on a diffrent level. Envy jealousy hate are low vibration.facts It’s not living or dead it level to which you think.
J Cole said it best:
“The real ones is dying, the fake ones is litt”
I have seen this comment on every nipsey video since he died u just copying ppls homework
Your ideal is a drug dealing gang member?….wow, very sad
2Pac said it best, too many times
feliciano ahumada explain
I swear people always hate on the good… just look at the story of Kane and Abel…
The no limit rap twins? Or cain and abel?

*Cain and Abel…
Boosie said the same thing
live your life the best you can
If you come up financially… Get out! You can no longer trust the same people due to jealousy. TI is exactly right.
Fact I agree with you
Right I live in Montgomery, AL and there was a local rapper from here named Doe B who got signed to Ti’s hustle gang. Moved to atl came back to pay homage just to get shot in the club. Him a 2 ppl from my school at the time
So true even Jesus had to leave his home town.
+Blvck Out I live in Auburn and remember the Doe B situation all too well, was in total shock when I heard he was killed. The Gump can be out of control at times…
Man boosie. been said this
“Because of the lack of education, the lack of opportunity, and the lack of experiences in our communities, most of us who are subjected to the confinement of those communities, we operate and exist on such a low vibration, and we’re very remedial in our thinking. So when we see people who operate on a high vibration, and who have a lot more flushed out detailed thoughts, for whatever reason, because they’re well read, because they travelled more, or because they’ve experienced more – its one of two things thats going to happen. [1]Some people are going to learn from that person and follow them into whatever greatness comes or whatever opportunities that can exist from that. [2]The other half is going to detest the very existence of that person because their greatness upsets all the things that you’re not doing in your life. And so every time they come in contact with somebody operating on a high vibration internally the things that they aren’t doing for themselves, and the things that they haven’t made happen in their life causes them to be unsettled and that usually ends up in violence, in senseless violence due to jealousy…People just hate not that you’re doing something but the fact that their doing nothing and you doing something reminds them too much that they’re doing nothing.” – T.I
A friend of mine had someone do him wrong and he went to his mother for advise. You know what she told him? She said “kill him”. WTF! What kind of mother says that?
Openyoureyes39 you will be surprised …. maybe she was right you don’t know
TI dropped nothing but truth & knowledge!!!
Jesse James he explained it very well though. For people who never really get the concept
KayFit Goddess that’s why he’s my favorite rapper
Dominique Shelley that part
He said things that anyone can say even if they had 1% of common Sense. Hahahahaha
why do black people set the bar so low? This why us Asians who came to America in just 2-3 decades are majority of the doctors, engineer, lawyers, successful business men… while blacks who been in this country for centuries are still poor. Stop with this rap bullshit and read a book for once in your life.
+Dominique Shelley I got the concept before, however, I think there are tins of folks in the hood who need to hear what TI is saying. Cause they need it.
Then some people wonder why when certain people actually make it they rarely comeback around or run their business very hands-on by showing their actual faces SMFH!!!
Not everyone wants to be liberated and or uplifted. Remember that
Israel Avila yeah
So true
Some people love the darkness! Sad!
Your right
there’s also a saying. That says you also can’t help everybody either. Just have to let God take care of them.
T. I. is right! Jealousy and Envy have always been a major part of the Black Community. We constantly tear each other down instead of loving and supporting one another. If we all come together as one, we can realize that everyone has something different to offer. There’s no need to be jealous of the next person.
Crab in the barrel mentality
Jealousy is very dangerous! Please be careful everyone.
Jealous negro is the worst by far.. they don’t think
Ashley Young Amen
Ashley Young u too sweetheart
100% facts the Hate is real
Ashley Young T.I. is wrong Nipsey didn’t die over jealousy instead he was killed over business . The man who killed him was his friend a snitch who also worked for the police aiding in the arrest and prosecution of black men and women in Nipsey’s community. When Nipsey informed the killer that their business relationship was over the killer snapped and murdered Nipsey.