Daymond John's defending Katy Perry's "blackface" shoe design, and even says it's possible Gucci was trying to pay homage to a genre of art with its controversial sweater — but most likely it was something more calculated.
This needs to go viral….save the ignorant
Lynch him
He’s not defending Gucci, he calls it what it is…they did it on purpose for marketing. But his point about the Katy shoes and the definition of blackface is spot on.
thought you knew only white liberals could wear black face
He sounds ignorant with saying what is and what’s not blackface. Robert Downey Jr was def in blackface in tropical thunder, but he was good in the movie so we have him a pass.
lol youre defending rdj in blackface
Only white liberals can wear black face
So your saying you can pick and choose which back face is funny and which isn’t… you blacks are dumbbbb
We still not supporting Gucci y’all make it y’all wear it, the culture will not fux with it anymore
lol they still supporting Gucci
speak for you am hoping for a big gucci sale
Is your name We?
Y’all getting mad at a top lmao
outrage culture smh
Someone may have saw it. But I don’t think it was intentional. It really could be mimicking African art Because in my opinion doing something like this on purpose even if it’s for marketing seems like SUICIDE in this day and age.
He has stock in the shoe company.
Morals<$$$$$$$ He also has a white wife.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt, he’s been on a roll tho, right on that
I also seen African American that say they hate black people while being black themselves . Gucci’s sweater is plain racist stop tip toeing around it
Kool how he took out time to give knowledge to all the ignorant people out there like the guy behind the camera and myself
Nate dogg still alive
Its the midget off friday all growed up
Is the color black going to be banned in the future?
He has a white wife.
What about when black ppl color their face white to be the joker for holloween etc…. is that white face or just a character
The joker doesnt even have a skin color. You only ever see the skin of his face and its just white like it’s already painted.
you need to learn how to spell. you’re embarrassing yourself with your stupidity in more ways than one.
Are you dumb? What I don’t understand is when black fools like yourself try to make excuses for white ppl. You clearly don’t understand the concept of blackface. The Joker is always depicted with white paint on his face. The joker is an evil clown & what do clowns do paint their face WHITE. You aint never seen a black person in “white” face.
A character a well known character
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He only defending them cuz his wife white gn Damon
I think white people just need to stop trying to do all this culture embracing crap because nobody cares if you accept the culture, we care that you to RESPECT the culture. Something white people have historically never been good at.
Katy perry shoe is not black face its
Black foot!!!
At this point you might as well say russia concocted this, part of their master plan