Based on surveillance video, Ray J believed Boo was dognapped by a guy in his early 20s who pulled up in a Dodge Charger after the dog escaped through a gate on the property, grabbed him off the street and bolted.
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James 2: 8 ” If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.”
Yall do know Ray J sits in a car seat!!!
Guess his “One Wish” was granted
I’m elated!!!! So what’s going to happen now ?? I would be so beside myself if someone took my dogs
… did anyone get a license plate # ? How did the dog get returned?
Debb Vaughn there’s an article on TMZ of how she got the dog back. When she questioned the guy that brought the puppy back, the guy ran off, that’s why they investgating
Looks like a person picked up a dog or puppy that was walking the streets . Is that considered theft ? If you see a dog walking around and is out you mean you can’t rescue the dog ?
Deborah Bishop Even sat there a minute instead of just speading off
Lol no the dog knows where it lives it will walk back home… Don’t ever just pick up a dog and take it… Get the dog, stay right where you found it and call the number on the collar… If for some slight chance theirs no collar, then maybe take it to the pound or call them so you can check the microchip every dog has one unless your way out in the country
+Nick Hall not true. The vet ASKS if you want a microchip… It’s not mandatory. Overall you’re correct, that IS the best thing to do if finding a pet of any kind. I just had to chime in on the comment that every dog has a microchip… Not the case at all.
It shows that the dog wasn’t stolen the dog was walking down the street and somebody saw it walking by itself and picked it up they knew the dog was lost they were helping the dog
+Delicious Ape wtf are u talking about??
Ronny DiSalvo dude wtf?
not gunna lie..
but your comment made me check into rehab.
I agree with you Cynthia, I don’t think this video looks like a dog being stolen, but it’s hard to speculate with ZERO commentary to accompany the video

Cynthia Young I agree
Maybe he’d watched the littlest hobo to many times

so there stealing a dog in slow motion
he didnt even “steal” their dog. if anything hes helping it not get hit by a car. shoulda had him in the house to begin with.
FetchBillionBarbie facts sis!
FetchBillionBarbie agreed as ACO officer people do that all the time. Even when let dog out to take a squirt people snag them and call me 10 mins later I get call from owner someone stole my dog!!!! nope just didn’t want it getting whacked by a car!!!
Not a Dodge Charger, a Ford Mustang.
As a dog mom myself… the dog was alone and there is alot cars so i would’ve tried to find the owner but kept the dog bc i don’t trust Kennels. I would’ve sent it to cops bt who knows wat cops do. Idk thats hard was the dog returned? Wait the vet for mic chip lol my dogs chipped so thats where i be
Looks like the dog was being picked up, not returned.
Ummm, thats better than the dog being run over by a vehicle, or eaten /attacked by a bigger dog. If anything thats neglect on the owners part.
Bolted? Looks like he read the tags and then put it in the car to keep it from being hit.
I don’t believe the guy stole the dog. I do believe he saw it running around alone and caught it to save it. I’ve done it a thousand times and always find the owners. If he was stealing the dog he wouldn’t have taken so much time and still was checking for a collar when he got in the car. Kudos for saving the dog!
Who leaves a dog out on the main road
Ok where was the dogs owners and why was it in the streets alone.bad owner.they wasn’t stealing that dog.
A driver almost got away with my pomeranian not too long ago. It’s a traumatizing thing to see. I got her back as quick as I could.
He was look for Kim Kardashian’s house
because she can afford to buy him the more expensive dog food