Rapper Tekashi69 and his crew got into a HUGE brawl at LAX that spilled out into the street … as about 7 or 8 guys threw haymaker after haymaker.
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How tf did they hit one dude with a cheap shot and all four of them end up getting handled by him?

GORILLA OMEGA XXL yeah , they jerk each other off with those hands !
cause dude can fight they can’t
Right tho*

Some guys can take punches and squabble and some can’t plan and simple. They probably looked at the dude and he was well dressed and didn’t have tatts on his face and rainbow and thought he was a goofy but they were wrong and got handled real quick
lol nah he didn’t handle anything dude ended up getting stitches all down the side of his face look up the interview with tekashi
brah the entire crew was handled by 2 average guys… This is ridiculous
Junior Cazares he still held his own..an dripping in blood? Nahh trippin….2vs 5 and still didn’t lay 1 of them out…lol
+Fly-boi Nito Im from NY its called survival, on the streets there is no such thing as a dirty fight, you do what needs to be done to win, not look pretty lol
+billy730 u think a torn shirt means yo got beat? Bra u is a clown some o e grabs your shirt what happens? It rips

69 looked like that girl who wants to jump in a fight with his man
Hahaha spot on.
jesse Martinez

thats hilarious
+Bonie Billionaire
The cameraman sounded like he was on an African safari watching a bunch of animals fight lol
+Words Retain Power what you been at bro see you long time by watching all your video I hit that Bell bro I know you’re busy when you punch me in the face for you bro book Trip Rib roast take care of my family bro are you stealing my family to bro
Ikr .lol
ahahahah lol best comment ever !!
Papa Burgundy: The cameraman WAS indeed watching a bunch of african animals fight.
Whenever I eat M&Ms, I like to hold two m&m’s in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one m&m cracks. I eat the cracked one, and the one that didn’t crack becomes the champion. Then I grab the other m&m, and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of m&m gladiators. I do this until I run out of m&m’s, and when there is only one m&m left standing, I send a letter to m&m’s brand with the champion m&m in it with a note attached that reads:
“Please use this m&m for breeding purposes.”
Funny stuff.
Wtf did that have to do with this
I thought I was the only one who did that, except with skittles because skittles are harder than m&ms
He sked
On everything
+Jeffrey Stevens sixnine can’t rap
Sixnine think he coll he will learn
Lmao hes black doe
Funny can’t park for more than 30 seconds without a cop telling you to move, but all this and not one around? Classic bs.
Cuz it’s all fake and planned out bro.. Free publicity stunt..
You are a good rapper
Lmfao. Preach!
6 people people fighting, you expect one cop to jump in that with a gun on him? He could easily get overtaken and have his gun taken from him. Let the goons act like goons and wait for back up is what they did. Funny that you speak about what you don’t understand.
Everybody wanna act like this never happen dude soft af
Apparently tekashi walked up and scratched the guy quite badly on his arm and it left a red mark
Lmfao. True true. Like a real OG.
Wow how tough
Tekashi was the 1st one who touch the ground
It was nothing but loss of balance tho. Not an impressive performance by any means but at least he was in the first line…
Why did the guy in the red shirt walk out like he was in GTA after a fight
Phil Stephan exactly
You right like Franklin
Cuz he loooovvvee it
KingLeo52 Gd mate that’s exactly how they be walking too

Tekashi homeboy that threw first punch, hilarious he jumps back and uses his homie as a shield! His homie cant even fight cause his homie pulling him from behind funny as hell. None of tekashis gang is gangster or thuggish. Whole mob looked hella weak
Shouts out to the 2 random warriors….its all about.the heart dem buls bout dat….dey looooove it!! Hahahaha
Those two guys are rappers also Aqualeo is the group
I love the white kid narrating the fight
Joshua Wright Where are the cops

Six vs two.

Two sucker punches at the start.
Aaand still couldn’t win.
The one who threw the first punch is the guy who kidnapped 69
Those 2 guys held there own made it look like a 6 on 6
At least they are not shooting
69 can’t shoot
^^^….and if someone did

+aermax 7321 He still snitched lmao .watch the whole video
+Daniel douglas
They are at LAX, they let off one round and theres no way in hell they’re making it out alive or not in handcuffs
1:16 takashi putting his shoe back

“OMG where are the cops”
James Brock
*2 men fighting against a bunch of ladies.*
2 men i didn’t see one man fighting lol all fighting like pussys
Lol shotti was hitting ado lol
+Daniel Lee would love to see you and your bro vs 6
+Daniel douglas me and my bro would rip them to bits fight like puffs the lot of them yanks

Dude in the red did what he was supposed to do