Pete Davidson is ending the year on a good note — he's got a new haircut … and, possibly, a new girl by his side.
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Good on him he’s single so what’s the big deal!?!?
Who said it was a big deal
Jay Kay I guess it’s because of Ariana Grande
+Ninja Nicoya
Then what’s the point of uploading the video and he wasn’t even speaking to her!!!
exactly. why is this news? It’s only depressing those of us who are in love with him.
What a waste of my time
LOL you took that extra minute to leave a comment though
She didn’t look interested
+Baltimore tv series u ever go to Cumberland
+Ly The Strange I’d still smash
+Tony Valenzuela
He didn’t look interested
Daisy Vargas He wanted to do his business then leave. No feelings attached.
I thought he was in rehab.
They tried to but he said no no no!!!
Amy Winehouse reference!
Rehab can be stressful. Let the man get some p****. & blow off some steam
he out
Leave them TF alone.
Technically speaking he wasn’t actually talking to her on this clip!!!
From behind she looks like that could’ve been his mother
People really out here stalking others with a camera and not going to jail for it? LMFAOOOO
+Gc zappala
Famous or not , it’s inappropriate to follow someone around filming them or photographing them . They don’t have to be close to them , cameras do have zoom .
You don’t know what that person filming is gonna do with that video / photos. ..
There’s sick people out here .
but ur on here watching the video
At least I’m not wasting my time and energy chasing someone around with a camera lol
He looks malnourished.
His elbow. Concentration Camp
*He’s Getting A Lot Of Soy & Meth In His System*
Wow … judgy wudgy people. He has a digestive disorder, it makes it a challenge to absorb nutrients. Wow… try not to judge so much, you have no idea what people are going through,
Pete Davidson is the man, not only because he was engaged to Ariana Grande either. He’s had struggles in life, such as losing his dad in 9/11 thus growing up fatherless, starting out as a stand-up comedian and eventually landing on SNL, various mental health issues and battles with addiction. He’s made quite the success thus far in his short life and his positivity, good humor and perseverance inspires me actually. May he continue to do good in life and share with us further joy and happiness
+Twizz The Whiz Kid it was a raunchy joke he said, and the one about Robin Williams. But in that joke, he meant that it should have been Bieber driving drunk instead of the other guy, so Bieber would be dead. He didn’t insult Walker directly, but did in using his death for humor. I agree.
+John Smith If both Ludacris & Tyrese were insulted & felt it was disrespectful, then I’d say he took it too far. I wasn’t even aware of the Robin Williams joke. People should just let the deceased rest in piece… you always respect the dead.
+Twizz The Whiz Kid I agree completely that those jokes were should not have been said at the time he said them. Yet he did however reference his own father’s death in a roast on Bieber as well. Particular jokes have a time and place to be said, and when he said all those jokes, it was not the place nor time. Making jokes referencing deceased individuals that you don’t know or have nothing to do with is not something you should do, especially in such a public way.
+John Smith My sentiments exactly… & I’m well aware that he made a joke out of his own Father’s death as well, but that’s his Pop’s though & it still doesn’t make it right. It really just revealed his true colors & showed who he really was at the core, not my kind of human being.
+Twizz The Whiz Kid understandable, different strokes type thing. I do have a crude/dark sense of humor, but that was not the time or place for such an outlandish “joke.” Especially involving someone you don’t even know. I can see how it could be portrayed as him being an insensitive jerk.
Should have married Ariana Perfect 10!!!
TMZ be careful with this boy, be responsible media! Love and light to Pete let him live his best life good for him

I don’t find backs that attractive
Well unless it’s a fit chick
Glad he moved on from that drama queen diva
Looks like a friend, what woman wants him, after how pathetic he acted on national tv
Leave that man the hell alone for a while. Jesus christ
Celebritys love attention if they left him alone he’ll try to get it
What if it was a family member he was with.
Sooooo this is important whhhyy????
Tmz sucks. Stay out of people’s biz
he look like a creep smh no way