Peter Kraus' post-date etiquette charms the heck out of Nikki Bella & the twins double-cross Ronda Rousey during a tag match. Watch!
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Nikki Gets Blindsided By A Kiss | "Total Bellas" Recap: Season 4, Episode 7 | E!
Love niki bella
Love you Nikki, very impressed not kissing in the first date good girl

Nikki and Peter Karus are cute together
Nikki good on standing your ground girl! Guys are always so quick to want to kiss, and hop in the bed! Also I don’t think Peter is all that IMO. Not attractive to me at least anyway..
Two babydolls of wwe universe
Nikki have to kiss because peter is nice guy
John cena better go back with him
Do you mean to say with her
He deserves a kinder woman who won’t stay around to change his mind then ruin his life
+The Man Who stopped racism Skipper she didn’t ruined his life she let him go cause he is not too sure that he want to get married with her and have kids he accepted because he loves her . Not really want to have a kid do you understand. Do not blame her
just nouf She did ruin his life. She stood around for 9 years, she even said she hoped to change John. John was honest on the first date. Now he’s alone and probably scarred. He started to let her have what she wants then Nicole says goodbye. If Nikki truly wasn’t a manipulator and knew what was best, she’d take John’s answer as a “this will be a bad idea” and not date him. So yes she is to blame.
+The Man Who stopped racism Skipper well everyone has a different opinion about this situation.
Good Nikki!!

She playing games lol
Y’all should’ve kissed..

Simply Bellas
Yooooo she really just rejected him on sightttt

omg cringeee. Poor Peter

I thought she was John again lol
I love the Bella twins. Brie you are the best wrestler, keep your come backs coming, I’ll always be watching for you. Nikki, I loved your date with Peter….
I hate you Peter
Nikki bella you love John cena
I love you gurls
I live for these sort of episodes. Juicy and intense

Respect for Nikki has gone to next level and brie u n Nikki r so inspiring
We got clickbait bc of the last episode we were there is going to be a kiss – ; next thing u know “ No , No”
Yass queen no kiss on the first date or ur second one – plus u have to feel comfortable to kiss someone and if ur not ready , ur not ready .
Tbh I was expecting a kiss but whatever . You do u , that’s all what matters especially when he was like “ what ?”