New Details About Jussie Smollett’s “Redneck” Attackers | TMZ TV

A woman who lives in Jussie Smollett's apartment building told cops she saw a suspicious man — whom she said looked like a "redneck" — loitering just outside the entrance to the building an hour and a half before Jussie says he was attacked.


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  1. Oh FFS…FAKE NEWS! If that’s the only piece of compelling “evidence” you have after four days of nothing, can we just call this a hoax already instead of dragging this out?

  2. Cnn tmz biggest fake news outles ever all this for fake news and “starting race war” media is trying and that should sound scary to all! 😠

  3. Fake news.. just want to push a political agenda.. furthermore, gays should stay in the closet.

  4. The only part of the story that sounds true, is a gay man trying to get a footlong at 2am.

  5. Just admit he’s lying 😩 y’all keep dragging this hoax along as if some real information will eventually pop up, not happening give it up already.

  6. If this ain’t true, I feel bad for the 2 innocent guys they’ll arrest and put under heavy scrutiny for something they didn’t have no knowledge of.

  7. In Chicago if you walking around with bleach and a noose.. you already know the penalty for a hate crime. Less time to just kill him. 0 chance this is real.

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