Michael Blackson Happy Eddie Murphy Mentioned Him For ‘Coming to America 2’ | TMZ

Michael Blackson is chilling on cloud nine — in a real comfy robe too — because Eddie Murphy, one of his childhood icons, is interested in putting him in the "Coming to America" sequel.


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  1. What character will they let him play though… he should be a some sort of king in his village in zamunda with madd wives and Eddie’s son goes to him for some advice lml fckn hilarious

    • Racial bigotry does not make a great movie…but most black Americans are ignorant as hell, so I’m not surprised. We see their stupidity each time they visit the continent, more especially my country South Africa.


    • African Girl Beauty because he is successful lol, Blackson is an ugly mothAsuckA!!!

    • How come I dont see other races name them selves Europe girl, Brazil girl, Chinese girl? Why do black people have to let the world know on a white sites that they are black? I’m just saying…like i see black king for a name, black this for a name, black love for a name? Black power as a name? I wonder why I dont see white power, white beauty, white love, white this or that as a stupid name?

    • +Make America Great Again never seen a ugly millionaire, am cute

    • I was about to say the thing Akon is the shΔ«t! I just watched that he invested billion dollar in Africa providing solar power light to 80 million people!

    • Brownskin B Sun said he was in Newark when the movie came out lol he been here wayyyyyyy longer he shouldn’t even have a accentπŸ˜‚πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ

    • Pretty Ahki never heard him without itπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

    • In an interview he said he moved to America when he was 13yrs old an he has also lived in Philadelphia

  3. “Lord you gotta wait til I do this movie.” πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  4. Great pick I think Michael will be really good for this movie.

  5. Michael Blackson would be the perfect choice! He is AMAZING! Make it so Eddie!!!

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