Marshmello’s Party Boat Gets Surprise Inspection by Miami Coast Guard | TMZ

Marshmello's party on the water got interrupted by a boat inspection, but everything was found to be shipshape … so the fun continued.


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  1. TMZ got paparazzi waiting in the Ocean too !! 🌊🤦🏻‍♂️ oh Lawd

  2. They thought they was just gone traffic drugs from Cuba and disquise it as a yacht 🛥 party🤔…. I’m on to you marsh

    • Not selling drugs. sex trafficking makes more money. you can sell a kid over and over til they almost worn out, then you sell their parts. BIG money in human trafficking.

  3. If this Marshello….got in trouble, they will come out on top as most celebs have a get out of jail free/early card.

    • I assume he didn’t get in trouble. This just looks like a routine inspection from the coast guard. It happens all the time.

  4. If TMZ was in GTA, they’d be 6 stars. And you wouldn’t be able to *escape from them.*

    • Haters? They trying to keep fucking America clean seeing how Miami is a big gateway to drugs. I’m a recovering addicts and drugs destroyed my life yes nobody forced me to do drugs but if they weren’t available I obviously wouldn’t have gotten into them

    • Townie 7177 yeah In that sense they are good idiot but don’t drive a lambo or yacht and be young they will mess with you fast

    • +Townie 7177 knives are available, should we ban those too? You live and learn, sounds like u had little to no self control.

    • Man, I didn’t know til about a month ago…sad I know. I have two children too and my 3 year old knew who he was but not this girl. Better late than never he’s awesome

    • Rn Tn oh well you weren’t gonna do anything productive with those 21 seconds 🤷🏼‍♂️

  5. Lol those coast guards were like we got a man wearing what seems to be a marshmallow helmet so there’s definitely something going on 👌🏼😂😂

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