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Damn. Things just keep getting worse for her!
Good …. U can’t bribe karma
+Tammy Rogne Totally Agree… She deserves Everything she gets. And then some. To me, buying your child’s way through school, is just like saying to that child, I don’t have any faith in you so let me just buy your education for you…
Glad that’s not what my parents did for me…
When you cheat, Lie & steal what do you expect.. Morally corrupt people.
+Chris Johnson I heard his clothing line was dropped like a hot potato so they in big trouble.
Lori Loughlin is rich with white Privilege. She will get community service at a University and star in her new reality show name… Lori Loughlin goes to University of Hollywood.
Why won’t they release Lori, and felicity mugshots. out of all the celebrities. They have everyone else’s mugshots but , their I’m beginning to wonder rather they even took one. They rich and famous are getting away with things us regular folks can’t get away with .
That white
+Kim Poston that’s what the FBI does
+Aliyah Norman honkey lover
+Rachel Garber don’t pander us
Wait til they all discover the biggest problem this causes. Once youre in the news on fraud allegations, all of your bank accounts are shut down and you can never reopen one. Its been bank policy in the US since about 2008. Every day bank security departments scan the news and shut down accounts, shocking and upendng the lives of their account holders. You cant get loans, investment accounts, nothing, and its permanent. People on this level cannot function without bank accounts, and you cannot circumvent it with overseas accounts.
I hate that TMZ voice. Are you trying to lose viewers or something
Andrew Blackop He does sound like a
+well well

+Corinne Mcmahon You don’t watch anymore yet you’re here??wtf
Corinne Mcmahon then why IS YOU Huuurrr!!!????
Christopher Campana You should try and lose that attitude
Great. Whatever. What about the corrupt universities across the nation scamming its students for bullshit degrees and accepting bribes?
The employees who took the bribe money have been fired.
Forreal! I’m like do we blame the buyer or the supplier?
6th ranger legit
6th ranger EXACTLY!!!! Thank you!!!!
doubt she’ll do time either , the big thing is her career is done at least for now.
It’s been done.
I think her career is pretty much over at this point. Having said that, I think she will be hardpressed to recover from this scandal. People aren’t going to want to be associated with someone that behaves crookedlike as she did as it makes the people she’s associated with look bad simply for being associated with her following this scandal. She really messed up her reputation and unfortunately for her she can’t undo it.
+Brandon Johnson yeah and come to think of it, I can’t think of a celebrity other than her and felicity who’ve been caught doing something like this. its definitely a unique situation. Normally, celebs get in trouble for stupid things they say or inappropriate behavior, but this one is different and it will be interesting to see how it all plays out. she didn’t kill anyone, she didn’t abuse anyone, but she bribed which is usually something you see in political circles.
Susan Dee I don’t care about the career aspect, what she did is a criminal offense, and it should be treated as such!!!!!
+Brandon Johnson I feel sooo bad for her and the kids. They went very far by firing them but paying fake exams is the most stupidest thing I’ve heard. I just am kinda confused an still in denial. Didn’t that husband do it?? Who ratted them out?? I’m so confused . so that college was fine with the scam? Its funny she signed up for rowing
Lol…Are the sheeple buying this distraction?

+V Vito Mongoloids are Asians as a group. Mongoloids, Negroids and Euro-Indian.
Isn’t funny how two confirmed imbeciles with poor cognitive abilities, are the one mocking others?
Yes it’s fucking hilarious.
Lol I like the word “sheeple”

+Anna Guobadia Trying to feed steak to a baby is what you’re doing here trying to convince these commenters that there is more to this story. I believe you hit the proverbial nail head but again…people can’t handle the truth so they immediately tell you that you’re the crazy one. Hollywood is filled with pedophiles and sex traffickers. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Satanic rituals on young people, sacrifices to their god (satan) and the more they sacrifice the higher they climb, the more power and prestige they gain. They’re not sorry for this, they’re just angry that they’re getting caught. They’re entitled and they’re better than us, that’s their thought process. More of these people will go down now that we have law & order again.
No but your gap tooth is distracting me
+Anna Guobadia I hear you loud and clear!!! All yall other kats just keep eating fast food and doing what they do in hollywood
She won’t step foot inside a prison, house arrest and community service, Then a book deal!
Boo hoo
+Dio Rex they werent embarrassed braggin about partying and not attending college
+Ru Lz No that is not true. You dont have to go to jail to receive a just punishment and just because someone is not put in jail, and receives a different punishment, it does not make the crime allowable or legal.
+Ru Lz No I dont see where you are going with it because you sound like you believe that prison is the only source of punishment that works, and let me tell you it is not. There are plenty of punishments that will deter people from committing bribery or fraud. But if other punishments will make you want to commit such crimes and evade paying taxes, and only the thought of prison stops you, then your mindset is a bit …. well … there is something not right there.
She’s facing federal time
She’s gonna spend some time in the slammer.
Aunt Beckie gone have to lick and clean carpets
in designer orange jumpsuit
So she basically didn’t have faith in her daughters
+Mima Djordjevic oh Kool. That is a good thing.
I gotta say all you people throwing stones if you could only walk in someone elses shoes you would stop throwing stones
+Sandra Rhodes Then I suggest you follow your own advice and walk in the shoes of all the kids who were qualified to get into USC but couldn’t because these girls and the kids of the many other parents involved in this scandal took their spots.
Her daughter talks like a bone head.
You don’t need faith when you have money
I want tho see their Mug Shots! thy show everybody’s why not theirs?
severa jones EXACTLY!!!!!
Probably paid their lawyers to cover that up for them
I don’t think they took mugshots of them.
Cayse its Federal. The Justice Dept already said they’re not releasing their mugshots.
USC should be demoted to 5th tier college.
MONGOLIAN NEPALI MAGAR USC had nothing to do with it. It was the people in charge of SAT testing. USC was completely unaware. They bribed the people in charge of the SAT not the actual college.

USC did nothing wrong. It was induvidual employees who took bribes.
MONGOLIAN NEPALI MAGAR as a current usc student who was admitted based on merit alone, I don’t think it’s fair to the rest of us who work and study hard both prior to and during college.
+Karla Cordova exactly
Harvey is exactly right. She will get off because she is rich and she is white. This is America, after all.
Mike Carter Ummm.. she was arrested. Had to post 1 mil in bail and is banished from Hollyweird. That’s just the beginning. Justice is moving swiftly for her and she hasn’t even had her day in court. Slow down on the “white privilege” comments until the end.
Action Jackson! Paul Manafort is going to jail for 7 1/2 years! WTH!!!
Just like O.J. got off for murdering his wife. Rich and black.
C O D Y really? Where have you been?!
+Nico Jam Spoken like a true racist.
Everybody acts like this wasn’t happening from the getgo lol smh
Decades..So pathetic.
Not like this. SAT fraud is really not that common. And Theres a big diff between donating to a school and bribing employees.
Charlie Westfort the crime is not new but the punishment is!
Oh u so smart what a genius
Charlie Westfort legit
This is so repulsive! People with some wealth thinking they can get Anything they want with their moolah, oh how shallow!
If she gets off light, it will send a strong message that money and power IS all that matters. Justice would be a joke.
Justice already is a joke. Most of us who don’t have money to fight don’t get the justice we deserve.
Yuki Hana that’s why they won’t.
That message has been loud and clear for centuries
Works for the Clintons.
That doesn’t make it right, she should be punished
If Jussie Smollett’s career is over her career should be over.
El Diablo I read that he was written out of the final episodes of this season and they were waiting on the courts to finalize a decision. They have not officially fired him as of yet. Only written him out for the time being.
Sophie Auld, what Lori did can also be seen as,unforgivable by some people also. What she did is very offensive to any person (especially a poor or minority student) who has worked their butts off, good grades, great test scores, etc., and then to have someone like Lori’s daughter, who mocks education, and has no genuine respect or appreciation for someone else who is truly qualified and deserving. To say that someone else wasn’t hurt because of her mother’s conscious choice to commit a criminal act is untrue. It should not matter that Lori is a white woman in America, what should really matter is that she committed a crime! If you want to compare Jussie to anyone, compare him to trump. That man also tries to start racial discord and riots! It is hypocritical to condemn some who are criminals, and then make weak excuses for others.
Sophie Auld, what Lori did can also be seen as,unforgivable by some people also. What she did is very offensive to any person (especially a poor or minority student) who has worked their butts off, good grades, great test scores, etc., and then to have someone like Lori’s daughter, who mocks education, and has no genuine respect or appreciation for someone else who is truly qualified and deserving. To say that someone else wasn’t hurt because of her mother’s conscious choice to commit a criminal act is untrue. It should not matter that Lori is a white woman in America, what should really matter is that she committed a crime! If you want to compare Jussie to anyone, compare him to trump. That man also tries to start racial discord and riots! It is hypocritical to condemn some who are criminals, and then make weak excuses for others. What trump says and does causes white supremacist to murder innocent people. Let’s be fair here!

I heard they also cut her off from full house rerun checks . I don’t believe she has any kind of income now