Logan Paul has music on the brain after Sunday night's Grammys, but he's also not trying to hide from the heinous footage he posted of a suicide victim … and the backlash that followed.
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Still dabbing…
He can’t do anything he did before? His issue was never dabbing, and this wasn’t a serious situation (getting questioned by TMZ) so I don’t see the issue.
Someone asked him to lol
So now he can’t even dab?
Sure because he is savage
Gotta stay hydrated
Now I start to believe that his dad is also his uncle
Dexter Morgan Dexter was by far the greatest show i’ve ever watched
Youtube 101 I miss my old me too
Jr did you like the ending?
Dexter Morgan (SPOILERS) I didn’t mind the ending but what I hated the most was it ending that way because we all thought he was dead but he wasn’t so why couldn’t they add more to him being a lumberjack
I LOVE DEXTER. Best tv show.
Dude I think we should all MOVE ON !
Sarah Cayuga no thanks
Topical Trends he had that Japanese guy go looking in the woods I bet.
“It’s everyday bro” ahhahahahah

Jake Paul not logan
PeachyTube please stop don’t be triggered
x suds is it funny
That unmotivated dab

Looks like he was shooing a fucking fly away.
jovan marinovic do you even know how to dab
Man Logan coming back I know y’all seen him dab
elijah adams coming back to the suicide forest. And dabbing is cliche and pathetic. Almost as pathetic as you and lowgan.
Mercedes AMG Fanboy damn bro wats up with the negativity

elijah adams its not mere negativity. Its the truth. And you can’t handle it cuz the truth hurts.
Mercedes AMG Fanboy I’m dead how u just hit that line on me

I really want to believe him about learning and continuing to learn.

MFQ Yahoo time will tell.
Udit Amin and so far he clearly hasn’t learned crap. His Japan mocking and disrespecting videos are still up and monetized.
Keep dreaming pal
MyNameIsNick One has to hope… What a sad world it is that the most selfish and thoughtless among us so often gain the most and face the least consequences.
He is in a better mood from last Video
Critical Beats to bad
Thanks TMZ .
That’s hugely positive.
“…. Learnt , Head up & moving Forward…… ”
That’s the spirit , tough from the inside , tough from the outside. That’s unique , rare & good .
Much of his Vlogs & Vines speak loud on the load of humour this guy has up his sleeves.
Logan is a fresh new breeze in the World of Entertainment Industry & the Future Entertainment Industry will be on its new turn .
Thanks TMZ .
3rah i smell sarcasm lol
Yeah. This boy mueve la masa!! 🖒
gustaco petra english plz
He seems more himself here than the last time TMZ spoke to him.
PandaPoop yess i wish him start to post vlogs
PandaPoop is that a good thing?
PandaPoop that is true
Yall expected him to completely change? He’s just *less* dumb now
Crystal Bankston I’m sorry do know him personally? Are you close friend ? Please explain why you believe he’s smarter than me or anyone else for that matter.From his You Tube channel’s he really dosn’t appear too have much of a morale code.
Stephen Murphy I am sorry about my language but I live next to him but I don’t ever bother him at all. He was my babysitter 15 years ago so ya. Gtg can’t talk anymore.bye.
Stephen Murphy My 10 year old made the comment and he doesn’t know the person in the video or you.
Ngl outro is kinda annyoing
So apparently people in the comments thinks Logan is not supposed to laugh for his entire life. He is also banned from laughing right?? He supposed to stay sad for his entire life according to these people
+Rex Cody you are stupid too
Shylah Lariviere yea he just filmed it, made stupid jokes and then went home edited the footage and put music on it and used a thumbnail of the body dangling behind him to attract his stupid fans. The guy is a narcissistic piece of crap.
Ohhh boo hoo the haters. Mommy i want my mommy!!! Stfu quit defending this dbag. If u actually enjoy his videos.. dont breed. At least try not to until your out of high school ffs
Ikr a bunch of broke inside and outside motherfuckers
Why doesnt any TMZ reporter ask WHEN U MAKIN VLOGS
La.Belle.Époque maybe. But he still has like over 16 million subscribers
J0shY BoI, Im embarassed to be almost the same age as you
Kaka Boii fr thooooo
I think in real, he really wanted to apologize. The only problem is that he lacks something, like a specific emotion. Idk, cant explain it but i think he has a problem with the mind
XaCriuSs Zero he lacks sadness? Idk
XaCriuSs Zero his personality has no depth it’s very superficial
Im not a huge fan of this guy or his work but every human being deserves a 2nd chance, as long as they realize the mistake they have committed and pledge to do something about it. Props to the man
He drinks water a lot..
logan said its everyday bro

Zain Alim

Zain Alim

Paul is like the Kool Aid Guy. When you die, he jumps threw the wall.
Zain Alim I
He’s drinking smart water, BUT HE AIN’T SMART
Chase Williams I think you ain’t smart
Taha Meghani stfu
Michael Ggfrr loser