Liza Minnelli didn't like the joke Ellen DeGeneres cracked about her at the Oscars … suggesting she was actually a drag queen.
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Liza Minnelli — Ellen Called Me a Drag Queen, and it Wasn't Funny | TMZ
She didn’t act mad your titles are misleading TMZ
a little? TMZ survive on misleading titles and attracting views
Audrey Richelle lol welcome to YT
Things no one said ever
She didn’t say ‘Ellen Called Me a Drag Queen, and it Wasn’t Funny’ TMZ??????
Liza needed help stepping onto the curb because she is 67 and has had a lot of health issues, notably two hip replacements and a knee replacement. She says, “From the waist up I’m Dorothy’s daughter, from the waist down I’m the Tin Man’s.”
Cher didn’t do the dancing like Liza. Liza was an athlete.
But the thing is tho people are judging her for her past and i think its sick. She was put in the same spot as her mother but Liza managed to not end up dead.
Cookie Royale that’s kinda funny but sad at the same time
50hellkat2 right !! I wish the world would give her more credit and respect she deserves it
Michael M ever heard of not judging people ?
She didn’t say that.
The joke was about those who perform as Liza Minnelli impersonators. The real Liza was in the audience and the joke suggested that was she was actually one of those impersonators.
Liza’s a class act just like her mother
Liza is just amazing! It’s sad to see her struggling!
When I met her a few years ago, she held my hand, looked deeply in my eyes for minutes and that moment I never forget for the rest of my life, it was that special! Thankfully somebody also took pictures of that moment, so I have that forever!
She had so much health issues, also she lost 3 babies, she said in Rosie’s radio interview that one of the babies she lost at 7 months, she had to still give birth to the dead baby! So she had plenty of heartaches, plus loosing your Mom is something you never recover especially when you are still young.
She did prove herself as an amazing talent, excellent actress, performer with an amazing voice, just listen to her recordings from the 60’s – 90’s! Even after they told her she will never able to sing again in ’99, if you listen to her Liza’s back cd , she is in fantastic form!
Obviously he has been very ill in the past few years, she is near 70 years old, she is doing the best she can, why make fun of her? She does NOT deserve it! She deserves our support!
Look how hard it is for her to get up that step at the end of the video. I noticed too, after Pink sang Over The Rainbow at the Oscars, Liza was slow to get up from her seat – this woman is *CLEARLY* in a huge amount of pain, having had two knee replacements and hip surgery, all the young generation can do is claim she is “high” and make fun of her. She’s an Oscar winner, and deserves respect. I’m 26 years old, but I think most of my generation are asseholes. Society is becoming more and more cruel.
Yes, u maybe right! The fact is that Liza doesnt deserve this kind of jokes from anyone, including E. DGeneres. That was so rude!
Hi! I subscribe your words. I’m 36, but I still see her as Dorothy’s daughter. She’s magic! And I couldn’t say it with better words than you. =D
Liza Minelli and Judy Garland are superstars!!!! They shine so bright. Brighter than most.
To some extent Liza Minnelli probably caused some of her own health issues. She certainly ingested her share of drugs in the 1970s and ’80s, including, I am guessing, a significant amount of alcohol and cocaine used recreationally in her days frequenting the Studio 54 discotheque in New York.
Additionally, as the first offspring and eldest daughter of actress and singer Judy Garland, a virtual walking medicine cabinet, Liza had a high chance of going extremely one way or the other because of heredity. And Liza seemed to choose the same direction as her addictive personality mother, albeit with periods of rehabilitation and more insight than afforded Judy Garland (real name Frances Ethel Gumm Rose Minnelli Luft Herron Deans. married five times), who lived in the days before the Betty Ford Center and other Hazelden Clinic-type addiction treatment facilities had really become more well-established as well accepted by society.
Liza’s half-siblngs, Joe and Lorna Luft, seem to have gone in the other direction in their lives, as both were co-dependents of an addicted mother and elder half-sister, as well children of multiple-divorced parents like older half-sis Liza. The Luft offspring seemed to be scared off by addiction and remained relatively clean, also more out of the glare of the public spotlight too, especially following the death of their mother and the public lapses of Liza too..
But Liza was, no doubt, in some physical pain sustained from injuries while working, as she danced a considerable amount in her film and stage work and eventually had titanium parts to replace her damaged joints. These injuries and surgeries, coupled with arthritis and the aging process we all endure (unless we die young), make an addiction to painkillers (whether in pill or liquid form) a more likely outcome for someone in Liza’s situation. No judgement here, though, as my own history with body injuries and addiction allows me to empathize. To use drugs recreationally is foolish and preventable. But to become addicted because one had to take drugs to relieve physical pain is, at least, understandable.
I feel some compassion for Liza Minnelli. She hasn’t always had an easy life and yet has tried her best to soldier on and continue working, has already outlived her notoriously addicted mother by some quarter of a century now. That takes some guts. And as one may see in the video here, even when pestered by paparazzi, Liza still seems a nice person.
She more than likely is a little “buzzed” off of her pain management medications which is no fault of her own. After a double hip replacement & double knee surgery, she absolutely needs opioid based medication.
I love Liza. She is such a lady. She’s even good to TMZ paparazzi
Edwin Degenerate needs to show some respect to the great Liza Minelli. Liza is too gracious.
Why do you keep writing “Edwin”? It’s making me feel awkward…
+Teagan Potter you’re such a hateful lonely person. your cats don’t even really love you.
Ellen DykeGenerate will hopefully get cancer and die
+IceTeaEdwin The LGBD community has given this Edwin to her as her uncloseted name.
I love Liza Minelli.
That’s a horrible thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself.
+chadiz get a mirror. with a name like yours I figured you’d be a fan.
i dont think it was funny to make a joke about this wonderful lady, She is a legend and does not deserve this, Ellen should really apologyze to her, It wasnt very nice what she did, Liza is being so gracious about it, What a class act this woman is,
She isn’t drunk, she’s had both hips replaced.
+chadiz you’re a delight
I’ve got two hips and a knee… they’re not mine
Possible opioid intoxication, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in her case considering she’s had hip surgeries & probably needs the medication.
She’s nice to Ellen. I don’t understand how Ellen could be so mean to her and used her as a joke. She should have retracted it and welcome her instead. I love Ellen but it feels so wrong.
I agree
Stuart Lee Your troll game is weak. Is capitalizing the word dyke supposed to make a sting a bit more? BREEDER! Go have DISGUSTING hetero sex and leave the gays out of it!
Stuart Lee I don’t like what Ellen did but that gives you no right to call her that.
+Marilyn’s My Mother you’ve got a lot of dildo power , sister !…good for you !
she’s has class
Bless her. She should have been in a wheel chair.
+Chettee She’s been in shoew biz for 50+ years. She has sung and danced with the best of them. In high heels and I’m sure she’s taking some falls. She’s had knee and hip replacements. She may drink, sure. But who knows the pain she’s in from the years of such artistic abuse. She’s fabulous.
+Jolene8 I have got a new hip, too. It doesn’t make you slur… and you walk better than before. And this year she was in a rehab center again… This lady has got massive problems with drinking and what we see here is a drunken Liza… fact.
+Chettee well, its no secret she’s a drunk. But so are many others. That plus her hips, ankles and I’m sure shot knees from dancing in heels for many years this woman is in pain and needs a better handler or needs to be in a wheel chair… hence, my original statement… #facts, sweetheart!
+chettee she’s a drunk because of the abuse she suffered. She puts alcohol and feelings together. At least she didn’t end up like her mother because of it
chettee dude you know she suffered from something in the brain awhile back right?
I’m a little surprised by the nastiness in these comments. Liza has been fabulous for longer than most of us have been alive. She’s part of the old Holkywood living in the times of the new Hollywood. Perhaps you all think her biggest role was as Lucille 2 on Arrested Development. lol. It wasn’t.
I think she and Ellen are both wonderful. But they don’t have to think all the jokes of the other are fantastic just because they both happen to be famous.
Liza is STILL one gorgeous Lady!
SHE’s a Legend
She is very gracious to others.