Dr. Dubrow can't get enough of his "Botched" patient, but he really flips out when she shows him what she can do with her boobs! Check it out.
#Botched #EEntertainment #TerryDubrow
About Botched:
“Botched” changes lives and restores hope through remarkable and transformational surgeries. Renowned plastic surgeons Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif’s surgical skills and expertise will be put to the test as they set out to correct damage done from plastic surgeries gone awry as they attempt to fix the unfixable and correct extreme, head-turning plastic surgery nightmares.
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Lacey Shows Off Incredible LLL Boob Trick! | Botched | E!
I’m curious to know how she figured that trick out
I just threw up! WHY?? But again… WHY?? lol
i remember her from that mtv show embarrassing parents
Dubrow was playing with them like they were a video game. LOL
strawberriesncandii Lmao he’s hilarious
I mean… I would too 🙂
She done lost her dam mind
“Paul get closer!!”
LOLOLOL too funny
I feel bad for her because obviously she wouldn’t be like this if she wasn’t so manipulated by the culture around us but I still find her very stupid
Kittens manipulated is is a bit crazy to say to me. Some people are just vain shes had these breast before the world was as bad as it is now. Shes had them for 20 yrs…smh Jmo Manipulated is if she did them for a man cause he asked her to for his liking. Not this! 😯😅
No, she’s just not bright.
mom walks in on me “its okay, the nipples are blurred out!!!”
+Anthony Larson It looked like she didn’t even have nipples the blur was so good lol
Ew😷 I just wanna see them pop already
+shaydayx91x , milk will be all over the place!
+Tony Boy (Bud) ….that’s not how breasts work.
+Annie Zhang even hers? Does she even lactate milk or does saline just drip out?
shaydayx91x what’s your sc
wow will she be sorry few yrs later, she already looking older and strange.
Linda Puertes Deals her face are scary
this made me laugh so hard.
Quarter of a million dollars. . .on. Her breasts.
Of course, have to ask : Have you heard of Minka? Or LoLo Ferrari [sp?]
And, um . . . OH. ♡
LOL +Clint Catalyst this is why you’re my spirit animal.
+Clint Catalyst
The censor was so good I thought she had no nipples
I thought her tits where so big they had to remove them so they could get bigger
SuperMultisunshine i stopped breathing I was so confused
I just assumed she didn’t have nipples lmao
Dr. Dubrow is definitely a freak and he’s not ashamed. If Dr. Nassir was not in there he would have bent her over and showed her a good time.
knowthyself And she would love it! 😂
knowthyself hes married and his wife is 10000000000000 times better looking. She doesn’t have big breasts at all. He finds it interesting from a career, medical and scientific standpoint not from a sexual standpoint. Not all plastic surgeons are pervy. The guy I went to is the most reputable surgeron on the east cost for breast augmentation and reconstruction (which I had due to a birth defect) and hes not a creep. Hes amazing.
knowthyself 😂 Right
knowthyself , I totally agree with you, that’s why l don’t trust doctors.
She looks disgusting
She was on My Strange Addiction
I noticed that also
Even her daughter is freaked out by her
+Anastasia Knight and MTV True Life, and ABC news and Dr.Drew… this woman loves attention :/
Can anyone tell me her name and episode please&thank you❤
It funny how the they blurred out the nipple but the entire boob is ok to see hahaha
NoVaKane it’s sexist. nipples are weird
NoVaKane why did you respond to a 2 year old comment? and why am i replying? 😂
+Malik Holmes What about foot fetishes or armpit fetishes? (I think both are gross and I don’t understand how they’re a thing but in that case they could be considered pleasure points)
+Malik Holmes People can also recieve pleasure from their necks. Those don’t get censored.
A quarter Million dollars?? why do these people have money?! I could have bought a house and car with that!
+Taylor B that’s stupid
she’s was a model and did acting in b movies, so she didn’t just spend a quarter million in one sitting.
right . i could send my kids to college and more. she should invest in something that could make her money. she look old
I thought she was about to say she wanted them downsized, removed, in pain from botched surgery etc… but not BIGGER LOL!
Lol this man loves his job
The intro “I wanna be perfect” sounds like Jeffree star
Omg soooo truuueeee
I didn’t ever thought about how the intro sounds like Jeffree
I thought i was the only one
that looks disgusting . way too big . and she wants more? yuk. not even sexy