Mrs. West can't tell Kanye nothing! The "KUWTK" star's hubby gets very particular about the type and color band aid he wants. See Kim open up to sister Khloe.
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KUWTK | Kim Vents to Khloé Kardashian About Band Aid Fight With Kanye | E!
This is so dumb

+Lady Lex But didn’t you watch the video too tho?
So what does that make you?

Laura James that a fact
Crazy show I saw https://youtu.be/ndcUE51iRds wow
Lmfaoo kim snapped

Holysht i didnt expect to get this many likes
How u start a family? The condom slipped up.
+ILove Anime its the latest one
If this is what Kim is like when she “snaps” sign me up for husband number 4.
1 like for each time kim said “like” in this clip.
Maybe just take a bath with Kanye it will all be better lmao

Ximena Briz casillas facts I think he’ll be ok
Did he really change his name ?
The 1st world problems really jumped right outta them
Tiffani Farrington um okaay?
I cant imagine being so obsessed with my image and fear of what others thought of me, that I would freak out over what kind of **band aid** I wear
@Erin Arnold… Im sure you also dont have hundreds of paparazi taking pictures of you every time you exit your house and scrutinizing every aspect of your clothing and weight…but that was also Kanye just being a baby wanting attention.
+Tiramoana Taia dude hes clearly already a laughing stock and a meme
a bandaid isnt going to matter
Erin Arnold hahahhaa. He didn’t like the color of the bandaid. LOL. That’s crazy
Brittanya Hope Milagro I’m not just talking about him, I’m talking celebrities in general and used him as an example
Erin Arnold now that’s the truth… poor Kanye
What’s wrong with jesus band aid?
+Laura James if they ” don’t like jesus” who bought them and put them in their home ? lol duh
+KRIS2323 Well I think biblical historians are pretty much settled on the idea that he would have been a 5″ tall, dark skinned, Middle Eastern Jew
It’s holy ghost filled lol he can’t take it!
+KRIS2323 our ancestors do
Laura James You know they’re catholics right?
“Go out wearing a Jesus baindaid” that’s hilarious
The longer you’re with someone and the closer you are, the arguments become that stupid lol I’ve definitely had those
Same and its worser when they are like Kanye . My mans so OCD and picky .
So Pointless

Your husband hounds you about getting him the perfect bandaid, but you don’t want us to think something’s wrong with him?
Having three kids is making her less willing to accommodate his eccentric ways.
Journiee2Me its a band aid
Are u stupid? Every married couple have ridiculous arguements doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them
Journiee2Me m
Can I vent about the collapsed ceiling in my bathroom & my landlord not responding!!
Edit: On top of them fixing it & covering my damaged items, do I
ask for part of my rent reduce or the whole month covered?
(love that that I’m getting help on yt lol)
Firts thing I would do is know my rights. Then I would send him an email (pic of childhood ceiling attached) and CC a ton of people (property manager, Mayor, major radio stations, news outlets, etc) and organizations that advocate for tenants rights. He may just become reasonable all of a sudden, lol, good luck!
Iam sorry but this had me dying

Send him an email demand to fix ceiling or keeping the rent money, send pics.
Hate to say it but I think it’s the beginning of the end. Kim is getting fed up with his shennanigans.
bcoz they got into 1 tiny argument? lmao have u ever been with someone longer than a month???
Sunny I’m sorry to tell you. It’s just a little lovers tiff. It’s what grown ups do!
You’ll understand that one day when you are all grown up and married!
Sunny Dharma clearly you have never stayed with someone for long
“I’ve slaved around the world making clothes for you” Slavery is a choice though, isn’t it Kanye?
Lmao!!!!! Good one
Sounds like a normal everyday husband and wife argument to me lol.
none of your business lol right?! I’ve been with my husband for 12 years, married for 9. We’ve had sooo many stupid arguments about nonsense that this clip of Kim venting about Kanye is totally relatable. That’s marriage for ya
I’ve been with my husband for 14 years married 10 years and have not fought over something so stupid. If we both want attention from each other we straight out say something, no need to play stupid games like these.
Nicole k.
This confirmed that Kanye is actually crazy
T T we been knew
Isn’t he bipolar? That’s an actual mental illness
T T what? No..
T T cmon he is looking for attention from the wife
Clearly he is not getting any because of the kids .
because they had a usual husband wife argument kanye is proven to be crazy? gtfo
Everytime Kim talks like that about her partner,she about to leave him

You are so right
true! She said something along those lines when she was dating Reggie Bush and they broke up a few months later
Omg facts…I’m just glad shes not crying like she was with Humphrey..he was a jerk!
LMFAOO nooooooo

that was a good one
Kim you don’t got three kids, by the sound of it, you got four…..

you mean dont have
that ture
TheCubanMafia97 its funny cause she is actually getting a 4th kid
Was about to make the same statement ^^
Kanye might just be inspired enough to make yeezy bandaids. With inclusion of all skin colors
like fenty
Clearly the problem wasnt the bandaid. He was feeling neglected and snapped at the pettiest thing because he tried positive attention and when he didn’t get it he got bad attention. So he got attention in the end. But not the kind he would have preferred
+Laura Laura Now…..He Always Has Been A BIG BABY
+Purple Pickles yeah but people never excused him for it
Mrsarcat u took the words out my head lol
Good insight.
I saw Kanye dressed like a bottle yesterday. Literally. The colour of band aid is the smallest of his problems right now.
“a bottle”
“Ye” Can’t Be Seen Wearing A Jesus Bandaid……It’s Not Good For His Image…It Might Make Him Look “NORMAL & SANE”

What’s wrong with a Jesus bandaid? Seems to me that’s exactly what y’all need