Kourtney and Khloé Kardashian bring out their inner Jane Fonda and Suzanne Somers but even that doesn't cheer up Kim K. Check out this "KUWTK" bonus scene.
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KUWTK | Kim Kardashian Not Happy During Work Out With Sisters | E!
Yo I’m feeling Kim in this vid LOL
ahahahaha elizabeth the copy rat with my mole in face LOL, no sense of style
Gabrielle Veloria y r u commenting everywhere
I am always Kim. She resembles my personality in so many levels. And I am not a fan or anything.
I would be annoyed to if a set time is placed and workout partners walked in late!
I bet Kim was paying for his time too lol
I think kim feels left out sometimes. They could have told her they were going to be late.
missbyrd92 yeah… Khloe and Kourtney are always together and leave out kim
I’m sure they did during rehearsals
They might treat Kim just how she deserves being treated.
Love Mac She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this by her own sisters tf
How is kourtney late to a workout in her own house
umm shes already there.. so…
I have no clue, but I can’t judge. I’m late to everything too
because she likes to mess with Kim lol
I guess she was sleeping
Bro Kim is my ultimate mood
omg, elizabeth the rat is so cool in cleopatra xx ps. once a rat always a rat
Gabrielle Veloria ??
l a c u n a ikr

idek what she’s saying

CeCe Goddess
Clarisse o
I was annoyed with them too lol I hate it when I want to work out and can’t focus cus my friends are fooling around.
My Opinion Yup and I put my phone on silent, cus I have a highly distracted mind.
Alejandra Camarena True

I workout alone…
Alejandra Camarena I agree, hints why I workout alone.
Kim has middle child probs
middle child syndrome
Summer Xo I think she meant as the trio of sisters. Rob is never around, then you have Kendall & Kylie who are a good 12-18 years younger, so it’s a different family dynamic. lol very much has middle child syndrome lol
+Summer Xo khloe is the second youngest rob is the youngest, he cant be the middle child.
I wanna hate Kim but I’m kim

Tua Porr hahaha what a funny story
Don looks like aye don’t get me fired


I like Kim sometimes they do treat her differently, it’s weird
coz her mother singles her so i would be jealous too
Her mom favors Kylie and kim too much I feel sometimes kris doesn’t care for khole at time lol
Well kim wouldnt really have made it where she is w/them either… A lot of it is a family fascination
Grettel Enriquez well said
I’m not a fan of Kim but I understand her frustration Kourtney and especially Khloe just snapchat instead of actually working out
I don’t think it’s about the snapchats.. It’s more about them showing up LATE to work out class since Kim takes it serious.
It’s disrespectful for the trainer and the people that are on time. I totally understand why Kim is annoyed
is anyone happy during a workout
Kiarnii Miller My Dad is
yea not me
Not me
That’s why you work out alone. Less stress and bad vides
Wendy Palomares yessss
Or you just don’t work out
Everytime I see their trainer he looks annoyed but hes afraid to say something
Shalay Williams word
Theyre keeping his lights on
I’m sure he’s very well compensated for standing around watching Kourtney and Khloe muck about on SnapChat so…why complain?
i feel sorry for him
It’s super disrespectful of everyone’s time to show up late & not care! I don’t care how much they are paying that guy I would b pissed!!
gugu Mvemve true but I wouldn’t care because I’m still getting paid lol sucks for Kim though because she couldn’t really get into the workout with them coming in late
I completely understand why Kim was annoyed. Turning up that late and then laughing on Snapchat is completely disrespectful to both the trainer and Kim. Kim has always been the most respectful to people in the business.
Right, her business side is always so professional and strict, which doesn’t surprise me considering how successful she is
Jenaya Rose .
Absolutely, I would be pissed too. They act like children sometimes
& she was probably paying for his tim eas well
I’m with Kim honestly she’s just trying to work out and her sisters are distracting
Don is annoyed af…can’t they see.
Marley Pup What’s his full name?
Khloe you lost weight but you’re no queen at fitness lmao, I’m sorry but Kim is more disciplined at whatever she does that’s why she’s more fantastic than all the Kardashian’s
and they just want to make Kim feel bad and left out because they’re haters
rania momari ikr
I don’t know what ikr means can you tell me in words
+Sonia C lol you definitely haven’t seen previous seasons. kourtney never really worked out because she was breastfeeding and she always complained about her weight. she started working out much more and eating healthier after she had reign. kim has really been the only one that has worked out for years, longer than everyone else so yeah she is the most disciplined
Ur a hater too
They’re sisters. They argue a lot. That’s what we do.