In order to be better protected, Kendall and Khloe entertain the idea of getting a gun–but Kim isn't into it. Watch on "KUWTK".
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KUWTK | Kendall Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Consider Getting a Gun | E!
Kim looks so pretty
I love kim, but I hate what she did to her face.
being natural is beautiful fake is not attractive in my opinion.
MZ Fun before that she was gorgeous but now she is just pretty
Nichole M A fake face just isn’t attractive to some people. I think she doesn’t look gorgeous. You can find 15 more Models looking like her right now on Instagram.
Yeah she is..even before she got famous
Kim is so right
Like omg really?
Yes she is in Holland weapons are illegal and it is much better than US
Yasmin M same with canada.
Yung Shrimp ikr thats why the US is going downhill
Kim makes a point….especially when she has kids over the house all the time.
Jonathan Hernandez and she also has the right to not have her kid there. It’s okay. Lol
Kris J they can get a safe
+Kris J So what if kids are there that’s why you teach your kids about gun safety and yes you can get it locked in the safe but it will take to long to get to it when there trying to get to you so that’s why you have one on you and teach your kids not mess with it it’s not a toy.
Kris J wait but what if she there with the kids and has no protection? tbh I know nothing
+Priscila Naomi look at my comment it’s right above yours
Get a tazer it will give you time to run
zanele How about a firearm so I don’t get killed
Hello!! :)))) no, America has guns, that’s what they are for
A gun will make your attacker run.
Hello!! :)))) you don’t wanna run you wanna face it crippled
Or just shoot him and kill them
Kim is right
Warona Naris no
type in woman raped while on the phone with 911…tell me how you feel after watching and listening to that tape
Finally Kim said one right thing
I dont believe in guns. Done deal. Bye.
Honey Honey motherhood changed her. She’s more down to earth and is really genuine
Honey Honey that silly acting drama for that..to make kim looks wise and polite & nice, this is da point .
Honey Honey nah she wrong
I understand both sides. Wanting to know how to use a gun and not wanting one at all but I don’t know which one is better
I think its fine to know how to use one and not to own one.
Jasmine Kaur me too
What’s so terrible about owning a gun?
Jasmine Kaur having a gun is much better.
Jasmine Kaur having one & learning how to use it & using a safely lock
that is what you do!! All that security didn’t help her when she needed them most!
they have armed guards at all of their houses now so i don’t see the point
for once i agree with kim
If some one wants to get to them they can get them
DonYelle and Diana cheap to just have the training and ownership of a gun
DonYelle and Diana. Yes but guards are not with you every second. What happens when all your guards are knocked out and there is no one there to save you? And yes, you have to consider children
So basically anyone who’s scared should have a gun. Yup a world full of people who are frightened will be carrying guns.
Jesseika Durden i mean theyre celebs and more exposed to danger. So yh. But still not right to
Jesseika Durden plus khloe said someone tried to break in kens house
You guys know that most of this shooters got their gun in an illegal way right they dont have papers and anything. So, that kinda defeats the purpose of banning guns

And what about a world where only criminals have guns?
Jesseika Durden better only the bad people have guns??
Lol when you get bored and have nothing better to spend your money on

Right, because of living in a double gated community it makes more sense to own a gun rather than a regular citizen in a normal house who is not famous and has a higher chance of dealing with criminals.. Forget the fact that everyday private citizens don’t have armed guards 24/7..
Mia CW no what the original commenter means is that they already have EVERYTHIGN so now Kendall wants a gun because they are running out of things to buy
A gun is a good investment. And when you consider how stupidly rich they are, a gun is like a stick of gum.
Mia CW not really
Ashley Cx it’s for protection. ARE YOU GOING TO LET SOMEONE STALK YOU AND KILL YOU? Even if I was poor I would buy a gun!
Get pepper spray
Ariana’s My Moonlight “That works too!”
Megan Baker come on don’t be rude
John S “R u superman?”
BLΛƆK to the PIИK a lot of creeps that can with stand that stuff
As someone from the U.K. this is so weird to me
Alice Gatfield Which is why most terrorist use trucks and bombs to kill people.
As someone from the US the british police arresting UK citizens for facebook posts is weird to me.
Brittney G In the UK it’s illegal to have a gun. It’s alot different to America. The only ppl that have guns are the police.
Brittney G The concept of owning a gun is foreign to British people (and most Europeans) because it’s illegal and not a part of our culture. To us, American society seems paranoid and dangerous because of their obsession with guns
Alice Gatfield Ya right, and look at the knife crime in your country. It’s not the guns it’s the mentality and the mindset. Liverpool and London have HUGE knife crime rates and acid attacks. So don’t act like England is some safe haven. You just use other weapons lmao.
Kendall should just hand them a can of pepsi.
That made my day
RollAceMoses. Nah that was funny

this comment gives me life
Gt5vr34 hahahaha lol I love the advertisement
Kim has a huge point. She’s speaking out of a mother’s heart. Everything seems and feels different after you’ve got kids
5nopenjpg c r
That1guyfromco hahahaha thats not always true my friend
That1guyfromco put it in a safe
+The Freeze Dry Queen lolll your a true modern day moron
“I’m not like, Lara Croft” LMAOOOOOOOO
John Doe yeah I agree with you
Uhh i read this when they said it…WEIRD
That comment made me like her so much more LOL funny af
It’s funny because S2 E6 they learnt to use a gun for self control and she put on a vest and was like ” I feel like Lara Croft”
I love Lara Croft.
Motherhood has changed Kim Kardashian
In such a good wayy
Dr br ya
True she is more aware of everything and everyone now
Dr br I love Kim k…she is sweet
A tazer or something would be so much more safe. When you have a weapon like a knife or gun, you’re very likely to have it turned back on you. More likely than you would be to stop the person attacking you.
Patriots Fan well clearly if u are driving whilst on the phone and putting your makeup on a car is very dangerous. Stop looking for argument where there is non not all of us believe in terminating a life.
Paula Franks A car is dangerous either way. So you said you can get so angry that if you had a gun you could kill. But you don’t believe in terminating a life? Which is it?
Patriots Fan I never said me read it again.
A car is not bought as a weapon where as a gun is. How old are u I feel like I’m talking to a child
Paula Franks You said “we”.
Show me one piece of evidence to support that claim.
Kendall looks bored af
When you have everything in life, it isn’t exciting anymore.
Kylie K. “I Agree”
She the least dramatic she my fav
This show is addictive
Alain Bruno lpoyjjiiyk.yew
Alain Bruno i know
Octavian August if you don’t like it go away you ain’t welcome here
Honeyafun TFT gtt
Kim’s obviously the smartest here
Little Marshmallow LOL!! Kim is the worst
no she is not are you stupid she clearly knows what she is doing
Uh, in no scenario, she’s smarter than them.