After speaking to big sis Kim Kardashian, Kendall is in total shock over Caitlyn accusations toward momma Kris. See her reaction on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians".
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KUWTK | Kendall Jenner Calls Caitlyn's Tell-All Book "Insane" | E!
This family has so much going on. So not boring.
and you think that money goes all to her pocket??! GET REAL…. this family has money but no Billions…
Indi Geaux I was the 1.2k like on your comment lol
It’s like they’re trying to force the drama on themselves
Damm i feel bad for you and your boring pathetic life
i love the watermelons
I didn’t realize when Caitlyn speaks poorly about the kardashians that included her own two children with kris
I don’t know about what’s going on with this book but i have to say that children can turn out to be different than the way their parents raised them. Not everything is always parent’s fault.
Zalika Issiakou but that IS Kendall and Kylie’s sister her ONLY girls with Kris
Yong Yee Her eldest daughter is with someone else.
Get a real life
Kendall always sounds like to me, like she’s trying to be a man with a plan. But she never has a plan. She’s just talking at her mom here, like kris doesn’t already know and agree with her about cait.
Sarah Lynn because people like to talk to others, I am sorry you’re not a fully functional social member of society.
um its scripted this isnt about her having a plan but about convincing us about Caitlyn being the bad guy here..or girl
+Shady Tyrell Buuuut you’re complaining about someone complaining. The difference is…she gettin a bag for it.
Mary Hearts You I def was not complaining. I was pointing my perspective. I’m neutral honey.
I thought I had family drama
Me too lol
Y’all this literally the most likes I’ve ever gotten on a comment

ha ha fr
how do you go from saying dad then saying she lol.
lloydy woydy, you took the words straight out of my mouth! I was like, wait, she just said dad but then refers to him as she in a second….now that is talent!

Angel Gray what?
lloydy woydy That’s insane lol
lloydy woydy Caitlyn said she was okay with Kendall and Kylie calling her dad because thats what they were use too and she didn’t want to take that away from them
Steph A hahaha
Who has a bowl full of watermelons in there house?
Mya Falesy you haven’t been to my house

We do, is there a problem with having lots of watermelons? :((
yea someone lol dear it’s Marketing trick he asked open ended question
Mya Falesy they must really like watermelons
Mya Falesy my Mexican father
the only thing I don’t get is why they have so many watermelons
ShadowLG1 you’re so stereotypical I get it’s a joke but to us your talking about it’s not funny
Anne._Smit Better than having Mountain Dew soda everywhere.
Anne._Smit you right
So watermelon
I agree with Kendall 100%! Caitlyn is off her rocker or something
I’m watching these stuff just to get a glimpse into the insanity these perpetrators use for the degradation of the youth and adult alike. That’s all.
Bailey Anne It is the dementia kicking in. He is about ripe for it!!
How about “it”?. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder
@nowthisisbailey anyone who gets they’re wang cut off is off they’re rocker
I liked Bruce a lot but Now he becoming Caitlyn so his personality changed in a bad way…
Bitchy hormones, lol
i agree
I used to love him thinking he was the only one of the family who was selfless and had enough senses. Lol! Boy was I wrong!
I don’t get why Cait even needed to write this book? She has an absurd amount of money as it is, maybe she is addicted to attention and the spotlight? She just seems very self centered; in a lot of old episodes his son Brody was talking about how cait is selfish and at first I didn’t see it but now I do. Who can talk badly about the family that supported her decision to transition?
tpamel actually they weren’t together when Bruce started becoming Caitlin
Almost as if he has a mental illness. Oh bruce!
Why do you think he became a woman, to get more attention.
Yea very selfish how the f u gonna raise 5 kids, u not even n ur 3 sons lives then have 2 kids by the lady and raise them.. that’s a slap n the f’n face, I understand why his boys acted standoffish they didn’t know know him they that.. that’s bold, where was Bruce karma for doin his sons like that??.. smh
“iTs InSaNE MOm, ThATs InSaNe”
ELEXCEER I think reality shows just start with something that did actually happen and then blow it up a lot bigger than it may be.
Maira Ikram Some grade A acting right there ladies and gentlemen
She said it in a fake way
she is so fake
Caitlyn jenner is not an representative for trans people.. she annoys me … always something annoying going on..
Mia Blush Trans people literally has nothing to do with what they’re talking about, lmao. They’re talking about a person fabricating stories and blaming everyone else for their issues, which is true, which is what Catlyin did.
katie yeah but to a lot of people Caitlyn is the only trans person they know
Kris needs to write her own book to set things straight and put her side out there. She needs to tell her story. I’m with Kris.
SeekingForTheTruth1 Love wish she would
Kris wouldnt do that because like she said her grandchildren will read that.
She already has a book
+trusting virus you are the one who is pathetic… Seriously, reading the book or not is a person choices, not yours.. And you have no right to interfere in others people lifes.. If they want to buy their book,let them buy it, are they using your money, do they took money from you wallet?? As long as they don’t touch your money, WTF are you to judge and call a person pathetic and idiot… You are just so dumb and Uneducated
“Seekingforthetruth” really!? Change that title. Truth and Kardashians don’t go together.
I really don’t like this family but they have a valid point. Caitlyn stayed with kris for so many years and they have kids together. No need to tear you children’s mom through the mud.
Does she think it’s insane?
Agnes M lol
It’s insane, Mom
Yes, He is insane
“If you have a problem with them, YOU RAISED THEM.” — Hats off to Kendall! No truer words. #claps
Karishma H NiazKilam yes it is lmao. “truer” is the comparative form of “true.”
Ms. Vela and? He was a step parent, of course Kris had the final say at the end of the day but there’s a whole lot more to being a parent than that. He still loved, supported and cared for them, just about, their entire lives.
I don’t like Kendall but what she said was true
What I don’t get tho, is… IN WHAT WORLD does Caitlyn think it’s okay to have spent 65yrs living a lie, marry 3 different women and have & help raise a total of 10 children, then when you finally get the balls to become the person you’ve always wanted to be you chose to BLAME EVERYONE ELSE for why you were miserable for so long. Like seriously… WTF DUDE?! I get that its easy to hate the Kardashians, BUT THIS TIME THEY’RE NOT THE ONES IN THE WRONG. I’m so over Caitlyn, #GirlBye!
Brilliant post
cassl14 not
finally get the *balls* huh, the irony lol
Caitlyn is a man tho
Kendall is my favorite.

Same here
Mine too <3
Mine is either Kendall or Khloe
Mine too! And Khloe!
Mine too
“It’s insane mom, that’s insane!” ….. great acting Kendall -sarcasm-