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KUWTK | Don't Be Too Rash | E!
True fans won’t think anything of it
I’ve had psoriasis since my senior year of highschool. It will break you down mentally if you are not prepared to deal with what comes with this auto-immune disease. Her whole life is about to change, thats a guarantee. Especially since she is in the spotlight. I do hope she uses her celebrity to bring more light on the subject and help raise more awareness for the other millions out there who also have some sort of Psoriasis.
listen to how fake she sounds whenever she says: “If I gain a pound, it’s in the headlines…” OOOOOHMYGOD. SOOOOOOOOO FAKE. -.-
I am… jk. I know. I don’t think any different about her bc of this. I still love her. Anyone watch her wedding. It was beautiful!
Why the prettiest one got to get this rash??? ugh
It’s comforting to know that someone “hot” has a skin condition too. Shows they aren’t perfect people and always gorgeous. Just last year I developed a skin condition called pigmented purpura. It looks like red dots and it appeared on one side along my bang and waist. I have no idea why…there’s no cure and no treatment. I’m thankful it doesn’t affect my health but it’s kind of embarassing to see these dots all over my skin =( It might go away, it might take yrs…I just hope it doesn’t spread.
wow thats gross
That sucks. Embarassing for anyone, especially a celebrity.
she is never on a diet and say gain a pound..hilarious
Wowwww kim is so vain… she’s really really loves her looks. She’ll die if she gets this on her face…
It’s her career plus she’s being watched and judged at all times
Far enough shut up you do not know how this will effect you it will effect you I’ve been living with it 10 yrs I was born with It I know how it will feel like being a freak people running away from you
I wouldn’t call her vain. She struggles obviously with her looks and I am sure that hearing everyone point out anything wrong with her, makes her feel insecure. There is a lot of pressure on them. I couldn’t do it myself because people are cruel.
pour Kim Kardashian
In Spanish that’s called Hyoute
What is your ROBLOX Username? 😂😂😂
She’s not vain, she has all this pressure on her to look perfect. That’s just her life. I’d be disappointed too
She looks really pretty in this episode
She does!
Jesse Rodolfo she looks pretty all the time 😂😂
She isn’t perfect cause in my book she is way more than perfect
Kim could just wear pants
“Well Khloe went to medical school i’m sure…” lol
Why did she have to sit like that. *My OCD is through the roof currently.*