Kristin Cavallari & Jay Cutler Fall In Love Again: “Very Cavallari” Recap (S2, Ep9)

The "Very Cavallari" duo take their couples trip to the next level when Kristin's friends join them for a wild weekend in Cabo. Watch!

Very Cavallari Recap Season 2 Episode 9


  1. I totally forgot they had children
    I guess they didn’t want there kids on the show

    • Yeah, they made the choice not to have their 3 kids on the show and just let them be children.. Which I have a lot of respect for!

  2. Her body is so youthful my god shes gonna age well and as she ages nothing gonna be sagging and she popped out three kids lord jay you did good beautiful couple 😍😍😍

  3. Sometimes you need a good vacation get away with the one you love routine gets boring especially in marriage gotta spice it up

  4. Stupid headline…Obviously they r in love with each other, you can’t fall in love with someone if u already love them; this is why they r able to put up with each other and their crazy life: Football, reality, family, budiness…you have to be in love to deal with all of it and still be together and want more. Dealing with different issues and being frustrated when there is so much going on does not at all indicate that they loved each other less before this trip to Cabo.

  5. This show is so boring seriously! I am so sick of Kelly and her single life story…shut up! That is why she can’t find the love of her life!!! Kristin needs to grow up and stop partying, she is a mom and a wife get a life! Its not cool that you can drink alot!

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