“Keeping Up With The Kardashians” Katch-Up S15, EP.13 | E!

Pregnant Khloe goes into labor one day after hearing about Tristan's cheating scandal. Meanwhile, her family struggles with how to best support her in her time of need.

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"Keeping Up With The Kardashians" Katch-Up S15, EP.13 | E!


    • yea but she has a child now to think about, so even if she wants him gone she has to go about it a way. he could make things very difficult with custody and stuff so there’s more to being civil, i think, than just in denial too.

    • Yeah she was mature enough to let her child/father meet each other from birth 🗣🗣🗣 if u missed something lol 😆 wtf.. and she was right, personal problems should never affect our kids 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • she probably knew about it. lol they make more money and bring in more of an audience when they date famous ppl.

  1. i think Khloe is in denial and wants to keep him around to have a family! but you can’t change a persons true character and moral values. To me he seems full of himself and can get away with his actions because he knows that Khloe does really love him but sometimes ” love” isn’t enough. If there is no trust or respect within the relationship then there will be no stability on maintaining a health family!! it is not fair for children to suffer!! you have to put your child first and yourself ! not for a man that doesn’t value you!! Good luck and God bless

    • Alicia torres Exactly! What drives me insane about TT is his arrogance. He doesn’t seem sorry in the slightest. I don’t think I could forgive cheating regardless, but I would atleast require my man to appear sorry.

    • He doesn’t respect her, and that’s the real problem. Ok, sometimes things happen, and people mess up horribly, but have some humility. Some remorse. The person that walked into that room was not someone ashamed of his actions. Or embarrassed to face the family of someone he hurt.

    • Yes and look what happened now. She should have focused on loving herself and the baby. Nothing is worth dysfunction toxic man like that around

    • Alicia torres There is no changing her. She will always remain a mere plaything for someone looking for a quick fix!!!

  2. He has a chronic serial cheating problem and that is a problem and Khloe is in denial and she just can’t accept it..

    • +janicestean tillman she’s dated 3 NBA players him being one of them. I didn’t know that there were only 3 NBA players in the entire league.


  3. I love khloe but she’s weak af
    This man gonna treat her like trash and she will stay with him

  4. *I like how Tristan enters the delivery room like nothing happened and he didn’t just cheat on his pregnant girlfriend*

    • +herbsmatter are you blind. His ex made it clear they weren’t together. Learn how to read.

    • He’s just a young man 👨 he’s too young right now to really understand that what he’s doing now, it’s coming to an end one day,,he has a lot of growing up to do, every man needs to realize that one day everything’s gonna shut down, and if he doesn’t have a good woman, he’ll end up with a person that’s going to be all about money treating him like a doggy or in a nursing home,,,till death takes them, the truth, we’re not always going to be young, keep on living 😂😂😂

  5. Wow! The way he enters the room, as if hes the man without any remorse or even shame! So sad that she made it so EASY for him ….didnt even make him work for it. 😑 ugh, i strongly dislike him and feel she could do so much better! Leave him…be a model and show others not to put up w this. There is no shame in being a single mother.

    • …. not necessarily but some apologetic gesture would be better than acting as if nothing happened.

    • What were you expecting him to do? If you’ve ever had a child before you should know that all you want during that time is good vibes. Hell you even let in the in-laws you really can’t stand because it’s all about bringing the baby into the world peacefully.

    • +Sonnie Wilkins i totally agree with you on creating and having positive vibes and energy for the newborn. Being kind, respectful and positive is important. However, in my opinion because he did cheat on her he could show a little remorse… I mean I imagine if he regrets it he would be embarrassed..etc.?…especially around her family. I didnt pick any of that up. ..just me though.

    • Jocelyn Lopez I thought she already had kids. She should stop being so easy when it comes to men. Men don’t want a woman who is easy!!!

  6. how sad that women think that it’s being “strong” and “mature” tp keep around such a “man”….. stifling the goddess in you for what????????????????????

    • But put in her shoes for a sec. She’s just had a baby and all this situation must be stressing her a lot.

    • I think it was very strong and mature to allow him to see the birth of his daughter, and allow him to be apart of True’s life. It’s not her decision to make, it’s True’s. Also, we can’t say she forgave him easily. Sure they’re still together, but who the hell gets over that easily? She didn’t say or post anything about him for several months. I think it’s mature she’s trying to hold her family together, and I believe people can change. Has he? I don’t know. Only time will tell. But as someone who is currently pregnant, I absolutely would want to fix my family, or at least try, before giving up on him altogether because like it or not, I’m stuck with him for the next 18 years lol. Might as well try if he wants to try.

  7. Did tristan really had a nerve to touch and smile at khole after her giving birth… i think cheating means nothing to him.. i would have burned him to the ground

  8. I honestly like Kim and Kourtney for having her sister’s back. Khole really wants to have a family but you can’t change somebody.

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