Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music Associate Malik Yusef Denies Forging, Scamming | TMZ

Malik Yusef says he was doing work on Kanye West's behalf to arrange a New York Fashion Week show but it didn't work out … but it's definitely not the shady scheme it's being made out to be.


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  1. I dont know man… Lotta double talk, question avoidance and gibberish… Shady dude

  2. Does anyone really believe he would come out and say he scammed Kanye ? I know I wouldn’t!

    • The Proverbial Hater congratulations you found the missing word it’s called a typo sweetie. To bad you aren’t actually intelligent if so you would understand that slavery is a choice and oh by the way it is still constitutional under 13th amendment but you’re to gullible to do you any research on that

    • +Cali Babii he has been totally discredited by the powers that be he goes on a stage and does a rant exposing industry secrets two days later he is in a mental hospital nothing was wrong with the man he was just talking too much! kanye has’t been the same since, no matter what he says now people will take it with a grain of salt and just shrug it off beacause people think he’s crazy now.

  3. Someone’s hand just got caught in the cookie jar. The man is lying. He is in no position to negotiate a deal, receive money, or forge Kanye’s signature or sign any contracts on his behalf.

    • Oh lord love watch the vid again this fool start double talking shifting from left to right towards the end of the video. He started talking fast and quick using big words which had nothing to do with the situation. Notice the deflection talking about some old money he lent Kanye

  4. I believe Yusef. He comes off genuine.

    He did technically forge Ye’s name tho… He used a signature stamper.

    Gotta be careful when you’re doing business with the homies.

  5. If he was quite and didn’t try to defend himself, he would appear more suspicious. Nobody is ever trust worthy, especially when you hit a certain status in life. This is not news.

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