Jordyn Woods Says She Was WASTED When Hooking Up With Tristan Thompson | TMZ TV

We've all used that excuse …


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  1. even tho she was “wasted” that doesn’t mean she should’ve hooked up with him.. they still know what they know what they’re doing

    • Foushee i clearly you don’t know how the mind works. even when you black out, your mind still know what you’re doing and you know what you’re doing

    • Just because u forget dont mean its not u making the decision it just makes it easier to do dumb stuff u already want to do

    • She lost her income so she’s trying to save herself. She has been leeching off of the Kardashians and now she’s trying to get back in. She’s lying.

    • +Tyler What’s wrong with that? You act like the Kardashians fame wasn’t build on leeching off others.

  2. Omg lol “she was drunk or high & didn’t know what she was doing”. That’s the good ole back pocket excuse

  3. Driving herself home the next morning does not mean she wasnt blackout drunk the previous night

    • Whatever it was doesn’t make sense to do that
      to your best friend. I know a person that did the same to a friend and the friendship was capult. The worst part is this person act like she can’t remember why the friendship broke up. I’m like get away from you skank. Don’t try to play me. Lol.

    • What hell yeah, I’ve seen people drive them selfs while “blacked out drunk”. I don’t know why people use blacked out, drunk is already a word to reference your increase level of intoxication. It’s like saying “much and more” back to back in the same sentence. There is no difference when using drunk and blacked out drunk, it’s the same. Blacked out should be more utilized as a passed out reference than being some kind of cognitive drunk. I don’t know I’m bored.

  4. I’m just waiting for Raquels fatass to explain why she was at McDonald’s in Chicago screaming I love you to R Kelly

  5. Smh, please don’t use the alcohol excuse because now it’s gone turn to whether or not she gave consent and boom rape conviction starts to boil over

    • 17yogabbagabba
      You can call him what ever you want, doesn’t change the fact that she still a home wrecker. And using the “i was too drunk” excuse is a too old and out used for any one to take serious. All drunks know what their doing, they just don’t care. CLEARLY, the Kardashian team is upset with Jordyn which is why they washed their hands with her, personally and businesslike. Look if they could do the same with Tristan they would but they can’t. So away with the home wrecker.

    • The real question is, why is no one blaming Khloe? her dumbass got back with him after he’s cheated before, obviously he would cheat again. He was never in it for her anyway, just wanting to sleep with her and move on but she got pregnant. oh well.

    • Because everyone already knew he was a pig and no one liked him .. but Jordan was a family friend and Kylie’s best friend how could she

    • nobody was surprised that he cheated on her again, cmmon now. the reason everyone was shocked was because of jordyn

  6. Did yall forget the documentary……she was tired of being in Kylie’s shadow. This was a means to and out.

  7. Can we actually start blaming Tristan who cheated on his girlfriend and mother of his baby or are we never going to hold men accountable for their actions?

    • He got blamed for his realize that he will always be the father of Khloe’s child.. she can’t just delete him and be gone. No that’s her baby daddy.. it hurts the family more because it was jordyn.. the girl who basically was family to them and got granted many more opportunities than what she had already had before.. I wouldn’t have known who she was if it wasn’t for Kylie… men should be blamed you are right and he was.. he failed again.. I hope she cuts him out of HER life for good.. but he will obviously stay in their child’s life doesn’t mean he has to be involved with Khloe.. I wouldn’t be able to forgive someone like jordyn if I was Kylie.. but this family always surprises me.

    • it’s because he’s trash and you expect anything from trash…but nobody expected jordyn to be a snake

    • Funny how you say that men are never held accountable for their actiond when the opposite is true.

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