Jordyn Woods’ Mother Elizabeth Talks ‘Silver Lining’ Over Kylie Jenner Fallout | TMZ

Jordyn Woods and her mom, Elizabeth, stopped dead in their tracks with the question … what's the silver lining over the whole Tristan/Khloe/Kylie mess?


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    • Why, because she’s displaying class, when she really wants to say F–k the Kardashian’s, my daughter was established when she met them. She grew up in Calabasas just like they did, they didn’t make her, nor did they break her.

    • +Nette Love Ma’am, the simple fact that she’s hanging around the Kardashians, or allowing her child to do so, says enough βœŒπŸ’™

  1. Why people are so hypocrite tell the truth you don’t get along with Kris Jenner she’s an evil witch why the Kardashians and the Jenners have everybody hypnotized wake up peopleπŸ™ŠπŸ™‰πŸ™ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ

    • +Famous Nobody Beyonce Queen are you serious I didn’t know that everybody can call their selves Queen I’m a queen because I’m blessed with two boys my husband he’s a sergeant in the Navy so I can call myself a beautiful queenπŸ˜œπŸ˜‡πŸ™

    • +Wrandi Davis they’ve only done it because the money is amazing and Soceity loves them… and people that show hate towards them clearly make their pockets thicker…. They dont care, nor should you.

  2. Silver lining is Jordyn is now seen as an actual person and not jus β€˜Kylie’s best friend’.

    • ‘Former’ best friend who ‘allegedly’ cheated on her best friend with the best friend’s man. But I have no hate for nobody. 🎠

    • What a Christian thing to say. For someone who posts about the gospel of Jesus Christ, you clearly don’t follow it.

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