JLo Sued By Photographer For Using Pic He Took Of Her | TMZ TV

Oh man this is a tricky situation!


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  1. That’s her Damn self on the picture people always tryna find a way to get some money out of these wealthy people

    • deer gamer yes but he can get “in trouble” for posting it online or wherever without her permission…
      There really is no case and people try to sue everyone for everything 🙄

  2. How can a man take a picture of someone and when that person posts the picture he took of her, he sues her? She should sue him for taking a picture of her without her consent

  3. So you mean to tell me…. if someone takes a pic of me , and I see myself in it so I wanna post it. Someone can sue me for taking a pic of ME?? Whatttttttt?!!?😂😂😂

    • Toms River public figure or not? How does it make it right to sue someone when you took a pic of them without their consent in the first place ?

    • +jgreening Because technically, you can take a picture of a celebrity (public figure) without their consent. That’s why these stars don’t sue these paparazzi for taking pictures.

    • +jgreening Because the picture belongs to the one who took it. In this case : The paparazzo. Again, this rule only applies for celebrities.

  4. wow now that dumb of the photographer. now she will never use him & NOBODY can’t deny that she is a big deal in the Hollywood world. so of course other celebrities are going to hear of this & want nothing to do with him.

  5. Someone call Rob Dyrdek because this is Ridicoulousness. Cant sue a woman for a picture that you took of her.

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