Kristin Cavallari's husband shows up unannounced at the store to give Shannon, Brittainy and Reagan a hard time! See Jay in boss mode on "Very Cavallari"!
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About Very Cavallari:
“Very Cavallari” is a new docu-series starring celebrity entrepreneur and reality superstar, Kristin Cavallari. With her new home base in Nashville, the series will follow Kristin’s life as a businesswoman launching her flagship store, Uncommon James, and wife to her husband, former NFL player, Jay Cutler. Between her family and her young, sexy staff, Kristin’s life is more busy and entertaining than ever under the new skyline of Music City.
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Jay Cutler Checks In on the Uncommon James Employees | Very Cavallari | E!
Lol I really wish he followed through and fired one of them “you were probably late” sav Jay. 😂😂😂
E P Truth is I bet 100% unless it was a major issue, Kristin would hire them back😂Ive been married 27yrs, my hubby KNOWS how Im the boss😂😂😂
Jay brings a smile to my face
I feel like as opposite as Jay and Kristin are, it works and they’re actually great for each other 😂
bbtalk27 jay just plays up his dont care bear Thing from the nfl. But yes it works
This show is stupid as hell but Jay Cutler and his lack of caring about anything is the most relatable thing I have ever seen.
Saylor Werthington 😂😂😂
Saylor Werthington haha true
Cutler, Bortels, and Favre need a reality show. The amount of fucks given would be in the negatives.
That’s his role he cares it’s for laughing
Saylor Werthington it’s a show man, you know, acting? Trying to be funny for the camera..
Get rid of Shannon!!!
Yeah. She’s a moron.
Ali Ash How boring lol That girl is MADE for tv💣💋
Claudia M Ummmm dont most women?! Kristin is fully aware she married a great guy❤Im married & think hes so handsome & has charming personality, doesnt mean shed run off with the guy😂
He’s pretty likable in this series not gonna lie. And he’s being himself not acting, which is the main thing.
The redheads’ teeth. 😂😂
Shes pretty, stop it! She may be annoying but shes very pretty
+Alice Alice what does her being pretty or annoying have to do with her teeth?
SniperRose exactly that! Nothing
+Alice Alice ……
Would hate to get head from her, but then again razor blades on my d arent that bad
I love Jay he doesn’t fall for their bs!
This show is one giant commercial for Kristins business lol
But the show isn’t doing well
Tim F I know, right? Majority of my Google alerts are about people LOVING Jay!!😂😂😂😂
well duh…..
That’s the point lmfaooo
+Will Chin Be easy at him, it took him a while to figure it out 😂
“I’ll pass onto the boss how hard you guys are working. Except for you Shannon.” Lmao
Vegas_Born love that too
I would not allow her to say that about my husband, or act like that and keep her!!!
Ali Ash It was all in jest, not like Kristin doesnt say stuff about him & the girls too. Hed get a good laugh Im sure😂
Jay nonchalance is a whole mood for work. He always looks like he just got up from a good nap.
Because he’s always just getting up from a good nap.
BreakingDenman Brushes: hahahaaha I bet he takes like 4 naps a day
I wonder how many people that watch the show realize Jay was an NFL Quarterback lol
I’m bears fan and this guy brought nothing but misery to the city of chicago. sucked as QB but he doing fine with acting.
RononaDemonZoro I mean you went from having Rex grossman to him, that’s an upgrade at qb
This show mad boring but jay being so chill and rude at the same time is hilarious 💀💀
Jay !! I actually like the dude 😂😂😂
Jay is what is keeping me tuning into this show. He has this unintentional humor that is so dry and is hilariously sarcastic all of the time. I like how he has a good, playful relationship with Kristin’s staff. It’s great that he gets involved in his wife’s business and while it is still a business environment, they can keep things in jest
Perfectly said! He’s hilarious!
It is his business to. I know Kristin has money, but not nearly enough as her husband.
Kristin, you need Jay merch.. he’s the best item in your store.
Yeah, but NOT that hat he got from Amish Mafia.
Need smoking jay t shirts
I wasn’t trying to diss her jewelry. I love her store. I just think Jay is funny.
Lmao, he’s raggedy af for that “Except for you, Shannon” comment 😂😂😂😂
Jay is there and Shannon pretending like she doesn’t love it
Jay is like the Scott Disick version. At least he makes the show interesting.