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im not buying that song man youtube mp3 conventer :P
+Brandon Valdez I think it’s definitely worth buying
+Suvir Rathore thats up to you dude
its worth buying for dude
To all of the people saying Elliot’s a horrible person and other stuff it’s
perfectly legal and ok to download those files. Hopefully every youtuber by
now knows of this software. Also a. This isn’t rightfully his it’s just a
cover he can’t copyright it and b. It’s perfectly fine to do this on
un-copyrighted music or videos. He’s just giving the option to donate to
him but I’m sure he realizes that people will do this instead. Finally to
the creator it’s not “illegally” downloading it as it’s not your’s in the
first place. Yes you went through the work of performing it but it isn’t
your music it was composed by someone else so no this isn’t illegal.
LOlll thats right

brofist to you sir
+Juger Gamer ich bin deutsch
+Jacqueline Schaller ich auch
+Watt vogel Ich nicht ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+Assassith But it wasnt called brofist right?
you have no idea how many times I’ve replayed this!
Change speed to 1.25
original is the best anyways.
I didn’t enjoy the beat.
+Wan 1 omg -.-
This song makes me feel triple as free as i am…as im not that free
Nice seems as though we both live in america.
+Arther Downing meh nt murican
(from VietNam)
i’m vietnam too =)))
Truy kids
The unsteady tempo was disappointing. But great work.
I think it’s funny perfect
+QuantumFuture What do you mean? I’m talking about his bass beat.
+Ryo H. He did make a mistake or two hitting a note twice and hitting it
too fast but I think it’s fine
No. The tempo is continuously changing in this whole song. Not only once or
twice. I love this cover though.
that tempo threw me off
theres gonna be techno just you wait……… there it is, called it!!!
aslo this would be mad to mix to house music
found this 8 months ago,now i can finaly put a like on this
tros bien

Was honestly really liking this until the beat kicked in
I feel like it
would be better without it
Ikr… It was dissapointing :'(
Still good doe
deadknight it’s cool why wouldn’t you agree?
+Dr. Coon pls don’t hurt me, i have opinion D’:
3 things happens today.
1.) My friend said he didn’t like this song
2.) My friend got hit by a bus
3.) I lost my bus driving license
Can we hit 5 million?
nice mix!
Beat dropped harder than my death
Thats such a weak joke
What did he use to do that?
I mean what kind of launchpad
He uses novation launchpad. Best one you can use
Do you have the project file?
Hi Guys!
The Novation Inc. is doing a free giveaway of a Launchpad Pro, a Launchkey
and other stuff! If you want to enter the give away, click the link down
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time there will be news in the Launchpad, music and gaming world
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Soon as I saw the tile. Never clicked on a song so fast <3