Farrah Abraham says all of Jenelle Evans' family and legal drama comes down to one thing — she's a bad mother … but Jenelle's got a harsh claim of her own about Farrah.
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For once , I agree with what she’s saying lol
@Fatima Mendoza ya but shes the biggest hypocrite she chose porn over her daughter and self respect knowing shes a reality star and famous
Me 2
Phil Bosh so did KK West
@linda ziu and on top of that kim fid that before she was a reality star that was a dumb example bringing her up
Hey Farrah, those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones! In other words, you are just as horrible of a mother and of a person in general as Jenelle .
What a women does in her bedroom don’t got nothing to do with parenting she’s a good looking women how also a freak in the bed and a good mom I’d definitely be on that
She had good points , but those points shouldn’t be coming from her mouth lol she’s no better
J.T. Ogbatue naw she just sleep wit them for money on camera, she’s a way better mom
She is not a bad mother!
@Blacktop40 She’s Kookoo
Farrah, needs to be taught how to properly wear a seatbelt.
@Red Clay wow lame, if its on its on
@kitteekittee honestly I could care less whether you wear your seatbelt or not.
I just hope you don’t complain if you’re accused of not wearing it, and get cited for not wearing it, or even for not wearing it properly.
People always wanna say that “the Cops are picking on me” when many times you bring the trouble on yourself by not complying with very basic rules that are easy to follow.
So once again WISDOM reigns supreme when it says that “THE LAW is for the Law Breaker”.
Safe travels Kittee Kat…
And properly put on a shirt under her jacket!
@Stef Mendoza now lets see how much their shoulders will be bothered when they are paralyzed in a car accident
I wear mine the same way.
Wow never thought I would agree with this girl but I do.
Terry-Ann M I said the same dam. Thing
Terry-Ann M for once she makes sense
same here
Nice village feeders
I can’t stand Farrah Abraham but I agree with everything she just said
SuckaFree215 I hate to say this she’s no better but FOR once she’s right Amber and Jenelle are failures
Yep. I don’t agree with Farrah as a person, but for once I actually agree with what she said. I’m surprised something rational and mature came out of her mouth.
Thanks MTV for giving these people money 🙄
SurDrums her family already had money she would’ve been this way no matter what
You’re fawkkin welcome!!
They sold their soul away “Masonic tv”
Her face doesn’t move. She looks 40!
@Nicole Lol
No she doesn’t she looks younger than her age. Wait your gonna age too. So when your her age let’s see if u look as young.
Her skin looks bad too. Poor thing. This should be an example to young ladies on the wrong way to treat your body. Don’t let your body be used up by men, don’t tan and ruin your skin and stay away from the scalpel and the Botox needle. Sadly, she speaks of loving herself but all of her actions are of a Oman who doesn’t even like herself much less love herself.
@Blacktop40 haha I can see that.. But she’s stupid.too much surgery
Tbh I agree with Farrah
Tbh I agree as well lol I never really cared for her because of the whole porn tape thingy but hey shes right 🤷🏽
I don’t like her but everything she just said is true plus I’d rather watch her than Amber!
Neither of these girls need to be pointing fingers. Mom fail on both parts.
Renee Renee I’m a husband who watches
Teen mom faithfully with my wife and I have to say that was VERY WELL SAID.!!!!!!!!!
BUT shooting a TINY dog and kindly like she said choosing a dude over kids?????? Yea no doubt garbage is there but even garbage has its limits lol wow I feel horrible lmfao
rideordieguy rideordieguy lol the truth only hurts people who lie to themselves (ppl like these hoes)
Renee Renee bazeenga!
Like they said ‘it takes one to know one’
Ugggg I agree with her but her mothering isn’t all that either. Please MTV make them all go away!!! You gave very irresponsible girls with issues a lot of money and for what?? Poor kids.
She’s right, no matter what she’s done, she does not put men before her child.
@K G i guess you since you commented 😂😂😂
@Erica L Ugh screwing old guys and worrying about money more then caring for her child. Yes shes a terrible mother!
@Sura S they all have problems. I never said she was better or worse. They all have alot to learn
Brittany Walko she can have sex with who ever she wants, even if she sleeps with a old man. How does who she sleeps with affect her parenting skills. There are kids getting abused and your here judging her parenting skills because of her sex life 🤦🏻♀️ what is wrong with you? Do you not have anything better to do 😂
Ida Dee yea she does , just last month she put her sick kid on a plan alone , so she could go to Dubai for her Zaddy !!! Farrah puts herself before her kid .
This is the only time I’ve ever agreed with Farrah.
Only time I’ve ever agreed with Farrah lol.
She actually acted human.
But a pornstar saying someone else failed as a mom is really delusional and hypocritical.
@DICKRIDIN HATER not if that mom is Janelle or Amber. who both have put drugs and men before their children. Farrah also uses protection thank God lol
Yup that’s true. Farrah is screwing her child up just being her. But she’s right Janelle chooses someone else over her kids well being and safety and Ambers latest issue shows that she actually hasn’t grown at all thru everything
For once, I agree with Farrah on every word. Probably will only happen once.
Janelle out here making Farrah look like mom of the year 😂😂😂
Lol I’m dead 🤣
@Alescia G FACTS!! 🤣💯
Honestly, I don’t know if respect is the right word, but I started seeing Farrah in a new light when I found out that she wanted an abortion but her mother would not let her get one and forced her to have her child. She was forced to be a mother. She wanted to make a responsible choice and not have a child so young but her decision was taken away from her.
@BabyLove1D really ?wow i never knew that i remember that my mom asked me if i wanted to keep my baby and i had my daughter hella young to but i decided to keep my baby my mom was beyond pissed but she was supported though
It takes a failure of a mom to know another failure of a mother.
Daniel Comitz I’m not a mother and even I know she’s failing lol
Is hell freezing over? Did something insightful just come from Farrah? Well close enough 🐧🐧🐧
Farrah isn’t perfect but she def never put no man 👨 before her daughter 🤷🏽♀️