We still don't know exactly WHY it was done.
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Hmm smells like

+EAGLE SHIELD our society is riddled with ignorance and no one wants to know anything and I wanted Ron Paul to be president but in regards to jussie smollet it has his bosses name all over it
+Been Jones

Yes i smollett too
+Michael N

they are not saying he is innocent though, they say that the motivation is not money…it is most likely attention.
He didn’t stage it over salary issues. He staged it due to his mental disorder called Trump Derangement Syndrome.
That was…dumb of you. Pretty obvious that it was to raise his music platform.
And being a sociopath!
+Andy B His brother on the show made twice as much as he.
+Vera Howard did he LMAO. Also what people forget is Police chief wouldn’t say this motive if he didnt have evidence like messages to the Nigerian brothers that corroborate it.
And I’m the gay Tupac want to be a famous singer and get attention syndrome
So you’re telling me that he’s still lying?!
K. Thompson They never said he wasnt … they said “chicago pd exaggerated details about the 3,5oo dollars“ and people assumed that meant hes innocent
•B• For BOOBIEE So. You’re. Telling. Me. That. He’s. Still. Lying?! Like I said before!
He did it for clout, obviously
So true he thought he was on empire still lmao
It might have been what he had to do to appease the Hollywood gods so their narrative could further be pushed
Now he got it he don’t want it.
I think he did it for multiple reasons. He thought it would really benefit his cause with music he wanted to do and his political stuff he believes.
It was POLITICAL, Racist, and pushing the Gay agenda, period. The money excuse is a smokescreen and I’ll bet there are other people pulling his strings on him. The Dems are in a panic over Trump.
There is no gay agenda putside of basic human rights. Thats it thats all. No one is trying to turn u gay. We just wsnt to live in peace anf harmony amongst the rest of our world. Thats it thats all.
Fine Art Connection shut up man. There is no such thing a gay agenda. If anything You’re making it an agenda by making it your business. 2 things you will never experience in life is racism and homophobia so stfu
+Laquinton Wagner you have them. Now go help people with physical deformities, or vets with blown off limbs, or those in server poverty, or those with terminal cancer you narracist!
This is why I hate social justice warriors.
Preach my friend
Yup me too
I dont know what to believe anymore
I’m very confused because I don’t believe him and I do believe him! These men could of been jealous of him and are homophobic and just wanted to hurt him! When I got robbed a couple months ago by 3 black men I was not able to describe what they looked like! You kinda freak out and it was at 4:00 am going to the airport
Javi Ruiz it’s staged! His story is a big lie! There are no subways open pass 9pm. Did the brother just wait outside his apt in the freezing cold until 2 am knowing Jussie would walk out? Haha while they were holding bleach? Come on now. He said he was on the phone with his manager when the attack happened but can’t even show proof of that. Claimed them to be white. Never said in the police report they screamed maga country. TMZ said it so Jussie played along. The brother and him were in contact a lot when all this went down. Do you honestly think he would put on the check attack me and bleach me? Haha. It’s away to throw the cops off most likely. Think! Also he kept the rope around his neck the whole night while he ate his subway haha. The whole hospital thing and everything about his story just sounds made-up.
He’s lied to cops before when he got s dui and acted like his brother. This isn’t his first rodeo.
Javi Ruiz how can you believe him? Nothing he has said is true haha. Even his neighbor doesn’t believe him because it’s mainly gay black people that live there. And very liberal. So the two brothers knew right away that was Jussie coming out at 2 am in freezing blizzard weather? Hahahaha. It’s staged and he got caught. He’s the gay 2pac bro.
PLLittleMama2007 and he spoke on the phone with them right before the attack. Plus these guys have strong accents. So if they attacked him on their own why did Jussie say they were white? They are clearly dark black men with strong accents from Nigeria haha. Come on now! You still believe this joker
Jussie is a strong liberal who hates trump too.
Javi Ruiz did they have Nigerian accents? Hahaha. Sucks you got robbed but this was a political move in Jussie part. He didn’t get robbed bro. If he just got robbed no one would be talking about it or care. His story is so far fetched and he’s blaming white trump supporters. When it was clearly two black Nigerian guys. I think if they were yelling maga country you would hear their strong accents. They wrapped a rope around his neck. You would clearly see their skin color. Come on now haha.
Just another lie.He did it for attention and to feed his t.d.s. not to mention he had a concert coming up that wasnt sold out but did after the hoax.He”s a sick human being that cares about no one but himself.
I don’t think he did it to get a payrise on empire he wanted the attention so he could right a book and that book would hit sells and then get his own t.v. show like opera or Ellen thats were the big money would come from and even get a film made about him and he would get like 10 times money off his book sells,t.v. show,sponsors,public speechs about gay right and blacks and reminding people his the gay tupac and he fought back and because he will be seen as a hero or role model if he starred in films and adverts and documentaries he would get paid millions and millions of dollors because people would know now who he is and he would be seen as an idol and he would quit empire for good that was his plan not to get a pay rise on empire by the sounds off things this guy was bored of working for them and wanted to move on to bigger and better things and to be known but it back fired big time
Hell to the yea
Yep, wanted to say it but didn’t wanna type it lol
Wow that’s amazing. You know everything. Can you give me the lottery ticket numbers too? Thank you all wise one.
He did it to stir up hatred for Trump supporters.
+Avianajenner umm, ok
+88Crager sounds like damage control to me.
True and that and he wants to be a famous singer the gay Tupac. This just gave him more attention and opportunities lol Well if it worked out the way he wanted lol
The police have the receipts and you don’t.
+Rayne Ryan I can see how you would think Jussie would write in the memo section of the check, This is for the hoax, seeing his a dumbass and all. CPD subpoenaed his phone records, and they have everything going in an out. And even if it were for training were are all the other checks for training. Nor just one.
J Bennett you’re reaching for the stars
+LivinGoodtv You’re starstruck and can send Jussie some soap on a rope in his commissary.
J Bennett still reaching for the stars I see
I think he thought it would benefit him in multiple ways lol
Oh come on, it was political, and raise his music profile!

Andrea B exactly
What music? Nah you can’t be that stupid. If this was political they would of made the story so much better.
Yes yes yes there is always another reason we’re there is a will to find a reason for accusations there is a way

Andrea B he’s trying to be 2pac
He wanted to be a hero….for black gay dudes….,.but the camera faced the other way….
He fought back and they ran is what he said…
He realized that being black and gay doesnt make you special and doesnt equate to a personality. Not being special is more than some people can take
Who cares….this dude faked the incident and now he willing to let his homies take the fall……no respect for him….at all
But they aint taking the fall. They have immunity
+Laquinton Wagner They DON’T have immunity.
It wasn’t salary he is a trump hating bigot racist!!! Tmz is a scam they were screaming racism nowww it’s salary
Trump is a terrible president, have nothing to do with Jussie Smollett lies. Seems like being a egotistical idiot is the new American way!
Imma trump racist to hope he dies and someone blow his brains out
Gay run Hollywood still soft shoeing on Jussie…
It doesn’t matter he will be giving hand jobs for 20 bucks a pop soon cuz his lawyer will take all his money look for him on North 16th Street next month
I hope their ratings plummet. Then well see if they support this liar. You can count on liberal Hollywood to make excuses for him smh.
Preach u sure know what to say
It won’t. Drama will bring more attention. Most of the people who are complaining never watched the show to begin with.
if anything the ratings will go up….now people interested in this scandal who have never seen the show may watch a few episodes just to see what kind of actor he was…
Whatever the reason was he still lied. He said that it was two WHITE men! Caso cerrado he’s a liar
+PLLittleMama2007 move that goal post son, he said white people in the police statement when talking about their hands.
Trash Gordon That was not in the police report. And they had on gloves how would he have seen their hands?
Mahendra Narayan What are these other lies?
+PLLittleMama2007 everything that came out his mouth
+PLLittleMama2007 He made the assumption that it was two men.
You FOOLS do realize that you were the ones who broke this story, and REPORTED IT AS FACT (without any investigation). Now you FOOLS trying to make jokes….TMZ should be held responsible also.
Well said.
Bet they wont acknowledge it though.

TMZ works for the Devil

True they were saying he was attacked but I guess he did make it convincing to some people when he posted that “beat up” picture from his hospital bed lol With one little scratch