Donnell Rawlings Gives Pete Davidson Advice After Spat with Comedy Club | TMZ

Donnell Rawlings says Pete Davidson can't have it both ways — if he's gonna bang bad bitches, he can't dodge the personal jabs from haters that come along with it.


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  1. You can’t be a comedian If you don’t have thick skin or else you’re always gonna find yourself running out of comedy clubs.

  2. He made his bed and now he’s gotta lay in it…at least it’s with hot chicks and not coyote uglies!?! Pete stop your cryin’! πŸ˜­πŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚

    • +matt shine haha yeah and those chicks clearly should be the ones gnawing their arms off. He’s a lucky guy…just not too funny.

  3. If Pete would just tell some good jokes about what it’s like dating famous women, people would be too busy laughing to heckle him.

  4. When in doubt, ask yourself… What would Ashy Larry do? πŸ˜€ *blows an Ashy dust plume* *rolls snake eyes*

  5. Donnell sound like kshine the battle rapper πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ZIP EM UP

  6. He don’t need to be afraid of fans who care about him, and he doesn’t need to care about fans who pay money to heckle him because he has their money.

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