Watch Harvey Levin's Ice Bucket Challenge here:
Charlie Sheen didn't douse himself with water in the Ice Bucket Challenge … but he did make it rain.
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Charlie Sheen — Ice Bucket Challenge with a BIG Twist | TMZ
Far and wide, Charlie Sheen had the best #icebucketchallenge
That’s a damn good donation for ALS. Good for him. #winning
+ZettaFan I think you would need more than that because that would mean pewdiepie is a fcking billionare and i dont think he is
He has 5,653,718,247 total views which would barely make him a millionaire. But if you include tax he’s probably got almost a million dollars earned so far.
I think Charlie sheen is so nice and he did it best:)
No vannosgaming
Charlie is right. Water and ice wont help.
you all might like this) /watch?v=Ds4Uu8hnIEA
Maybe, but the challenge itself helps to spread out the information about ALS. aAd so, if you want to help spreading even further and/or support the idea all you need is the ice challenge.
+Akhbash Not really people stopped saying where to donate a long time ago. Now people are just dumping ice on their heads because they got nominated and arent actually “spreading awareness”. At fist people would say “I’m donating x amount of money to “what ever ASL foundation”. And I’m nominating x, y, and z to donate and do the same”
But now people are just saying who they nominate to dump ice on their heads
+TheBigJizz That’s right, everywhere i look there is another person doing this. But, even if they don’t say anything at all about ASL, wouldn’t people ask themselves about what is that about? Some might also do that just for the lulz or for self promotion, but, even if is 1 within a 100, there will be a person that ask what the heck is that about and that also matters.
This is alot better then just pouring ice over your head.
+Mr Foxhound He did but he didnt pour ice over himself.
a lot* Stay in school.
@Rob D You can’t understand a lot instead of alot… You need to stay in school
Obito ayyy
I swear if they don’t find a cure then its definitely a scam and the government is just enjoying all that money.
Good news guys! University of Montreal have found some hints to finding the cure! There is apparently this fat that is on the brain that prevents the brain from healing, i saw it on my local news this evening. I think we are getting there people!
+Taylor Stewart cannabis doesn’t just cute your cancer. It helps with cancer symptoms.
after 3 years……still nothing
hackableification Don’t listen to these people there is already a cure. Big pharma, the Government and doctor’s will loose Billions of dollars a year if they gave us the cure. You can thank greed for the death of any cancer patient this year and many year’s before that as well.
hackableification there will never be a cure its to lucrative
Omg, that’s what i was thinking all the time, who cares about the ice?
Empathy, sympathy, understanding, community, togetherness. For example.
Same here
+Malin Sheffield It was originally an alternative for people who could not donate to “raise awareness” after that it became something everyone on the internet started doing for to fit in. Saying the Ice bucket challenge is to feel empathy is stupid, you see most people laughing during the challenge… I do not need to empathize with victims to donate to a charity that helps them. I donate to Save the Children, does not mean I need to move to a third world country and live in poor conditions for a while to know their pain.
+Malin Sheffield And what does emulating it solve, exactly? is it that if so many people feel the effect, a magical fairy will descend and cure the disease for good? no? then what was shown in this video was one of the most intelligent things I’ve seen come out of this. Money will be far more useful in this pursuit than wasting gallons of water.
kids that they do ice bucket challenge they dont even know what is it. they just do it for fun. but whatever..
they still get some attention about als.
Its funny how he called out the people who back-stabbed him..
+DarthRushy Funny? Well…
+Gabi24492 I can’t hate a joke well written and executed and this show has plenty.
Jon stabbed charlie? you need more information..
+Donna Cintron Well, you predicted it. Except a piano fell on him and killed him.
+Donna Cintron Great guess.
omg i did not see that coming
you are amazing Charlie
+crysy j You know you can edit your comment, dont have to send another correcting it.
+TheMaxiviper117 Unfortunately not. The official YouTube apps for some phones lack the edit comment and delete comment features, so people have to use old chat abbreviations to tell people what they would have changed if they could.
crysy j really? Really? You actually thought he was going to pour ice cold water inside his house over a rug that probably cost more than you make in a year? I guess you really didn’t see that coming..
Charlie sheen is a psychopath and PEDOPHILE. Research it.
“wow he only donated $10,000 cheapskate!!” …Well how much money did all you people who are complaining donate?
+Pinkiefiedz Well good for you, if you actually cared about the charity the you wouldn’t care who donated more or less but who just honestly donated to help a cause.
+Pinkiefiedz His income severely lowered when he left TAAHM, also, im sure he gives to more than one charity, not only the ones that go viral
+Tessa Grace I donated a quater of a million USD.
Good on you Mr.Kangaroos
Who else came here from nigahiga?
Oh it’s only 10,000 dollars… more than any of you have. And most of you commenting didn’t even donate.
Good job Sheen.
i am calm hahaha i am just surprised with how stupid people can be
+SoaR Aliens You’re calling someone a fucking idiot for asking how an opinion can be immature and stupid 10 months ago. Doesn’t seem calm to me.
Sorai Max I bet you didn’t donate yourself
Sorai Max thanks
*Sorai Max like you. Pretty sure you didnt donate you hypocritical pig*
Okay…… Now THAT is winning.
Who was here because of Ryan Higa’s video?
not me
+Lauren Tran me
haha 2 years later and it still works. here from Ryan Higa!
nigahiga brought me here
+John Parker Same
Chalino Sánchez
Austyn Kalen lol same
Austyn Kalen what video?
Anyone here because of nigahiga?
Mr Stripes yes
who’s here cas of ryan higa?
+HigaTV brought me here
meee too
me too
+Senaka Ladduwahetty
+Varindra Seegovin same
Charlie Sheen donated $10,000 from making a 50 second video and TMZ made $19,000 from stealing Charlie Sheen’s video and re-uploading it to there channel.
They dont even have Ads on this video you have to watch ads to get paid. You dont get paid just for views on video its times ads are viewed
KKDominate – Rocket League lmao
came here from Ryan higa
That’s super interesting, tell me more on what brought you to this video, also explain to me what your motives we’re that drove you to placing this comment informing us on why you came here ?