Cardi B Grinds Up On Offset While Performing | TMZ TV

Cardi & Offset are going STRONG.


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  1. ENJOY LIFE GIRL!!!! MONEYπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’FUN FUN FUN.

    • No likely πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the girl is the face of Pepsi, Reebok, and Fashion Nova. In basically three years she made a 20 million dollar empire lol her Pepsi deal was for about 15 million πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ she’s going to be here for awhile

    • +Paris Webb.Nicholas cage had over 500million and is well educated. He went broke. Just because she has money doesn’t mean she cant be broke like so many before has.

    • +Matt skeletor The girl used to strip for money lol she knows the worth of a dollar more than anyone if you think she’s stupid enough to go back to the strip club you obviously haven’t been paying attention to how hard this woman works she performed an entire Coachella set 8 months pregnant. And you think she going to blow all her mo ey and go back to stripping

    • +Paris Webb What make you so sure that she isn’t dumb enough not to be broke .She doesn’t have any sort of background in financial matters if she did she would have been a stripper for so long.

  2. TMZ is trying to be messy. She’s not bossing him if she wants to dance up on him. What is going on with you all at TMZ y’all need some new reporters or something.

    • hicham karami so why are you here?! She’s been who she is since she first got the spot light so if your disturbed go be disturbed elsewhere!!! Your mama probably was disgusting too hoe many siblings you got? Y’all got the same father!! Df off her!

  3. Poor Cardi!! Cardi!! DramaπŸ˜’ @rihanna funny 😊party musicπŸ’Ώ farting πŸŽ‰

  4. Only a matter of time before he’s [[[[[ UMMM yea was all cute but time to do me ]]]]] Goes on a smashing spree . Trst me its cute now awww trying to win her back —- take um bac Cari takeum back roses N al dat SH!T than BAMMM!!!! 3 other chix PREGO

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