Dennis Hof — the owner of the famous Bunny Ranch where Lamar Odom overdosed — has passed away at the age of 72.
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At least I know he died happy
+Rude Tha Rich thank u!! lol
no God no peace
Dennis was awesome! He did live his way, but he took the time to help all of us, sex worker or not. You could call him because you had a bad day at work. It’s weird that strangers online know who he is. I even saw this on the news. I have never seen that TV show though. Here, the ranches are just the right turn a few miles down the Highway, and Dennis is your buddy that owns them. Please stop in if you’re ever around.
We love you!
This is what happens when you run for politics.
Pimp pimp hooray he did it his way
Cikidi Harrison
Hope he made peace with God before he died. If not……it’s hot where he’s at.
I use to love dat show
If you didn’t have HBO..you wouldn’t really know..
+SkyDaddio lol thanks.
+Brian Stone ayee shout out to you too, You didn’t put me on blast I kind of put myself on lol
jgirl32 lol good point I guess you did put yourself on blast haha it’s all good though
Unless you listen to Howard stern and know about when Eric the midget went to the bunny ranch.
I definitely watched cathouse as a pre-teen, late night, volume off and scared to death someone was going to walk in…
RIP Dennis and my awkward youth self
Rest in peace Dennis hof used to watch the series
He’s actually resting in Hell right now.
+Dan Serrano Lol, What’s Up Daniel!!
+demarkus bolden that’s b******* period in Nevada prostitution in certain areas is legal as long as it’s through those ranches I believe. He’s been in business for many years and most black pimps I know don’t take care of their hoes. The Bunny Ranch was set up nice they all had their own rooms they all got tested I believe weekly or monthly and they were never forced to sleep with anybody. If all your s*** is in order you could go and apply for a license in Nevada so stop with all the f****** racial s***
White man don’t beat his hoes.and he pays them well . .
(49ERS) & (ROCKETS) Rider whites are sick
probably overdosed on viagra
he literally died from partying too much . sad
Whoneedit Lamar did…
TheHoodStop he had more fun in life than most people. And he lived to be 72, sounds like a good life to me.
yea true he died the way he liked i wish i was his son lol inherit everything
he overdosed on AIDS
Dennis hoes wasn’t finer then Hugh Heffner hoes
+Ronnie eats the booty Like groceries naw I’ve met some freak hoes that didn’t have a teaspoon of class in them.
It’s they weren’t. Not wasn’t. Damn.
+shadesofpink those hoes, it’s those not them. Somebody should fine you for your grammar. Idiot.
He is in a better place hell ain’t that bad
Hows that put u in a fake place called hell?
+Sadie’s My Name, Chasing Mice is My Game He is basically saying whether it’s a real place or not it doesn’t matter because Hof got to live how he wanted most people won’t.
Hell is a place where there is no reason, joy, truth or happiness.
Justcallme William
True! Because it exist.
RIP Denis. Seemed to be a Super Cool Boss. Truly cared for his “Employees” and his clients. A Good man in a bad industry.
Dennis was a true crusader for freedom. We’ve lost a good one.
69 he was close enough to being a pimp lol just saying no disrespect
Dennis was a true crusader of self-interest and debauchery. Should’ve died sooner.
+ericj305 Found the soy boy.
Oh yeah? Dennis actually wasn’t anything like that. I lived in a development with many of the working girls. He taught them to invest and save. They are doing very well for themselves. Not everyone has the same view on sex. I am not a sex worker and don’t want to be, but I know some really incredible women who are. Dennis was awesome and I’m always gonna miss his friendship. It literally makes me feel ill to hear people say stuff like what you are saying. We have a lotta poor people in this area, and he gave endlessly to everyone. He asked for no recognition either. He really cared for people, no matter who you were, and he looked down on nobody and hated nobody. He just accepted people for who they were and did anything he could to help.
The Viagra kicked in like a V-tech
Pimp down! Pimp down!
you made my late nights much better as a young curious teen with no real porn!!! The ladies are going to miss u much
You know it’s hard out here for a pimp
A slice of heaven Yes I would imagine it would be hard to force women to do these acts with unscreened dangerous men.
I am WHOREified to hear the news
I’m sure a lot of the Citizens of Carson City Nevada and Mound House are happy he had a ton of angry wives and Girlfriends whose men would sit out at the Ranch all weekend.
Nope. We are all devastated but thanks for knowing how we feel.
+TheSassleburger you might be devastated but I’ve heard all the stories from fellow local truckers all over Northern Nevada about how their wives feel when they stop by the ranch.
Why is that Dennis’ fault? All Dennis did was set up a safe place for sex work. He did not force anyone to choose sex work and he forced no man to cheat on his wife! Some women around here are super jealous of the beautiful women at the ranches. So…if we get rid of legal prostitution, we will likely have illegal prostitution, since that’s how it is all over the world, even in places where they kill you for it. So then, that same trucker can stop by a shady motel and pick up and nice STD and bring that home to wifey. Prostitution is illegal in Reno (Washoe) but dang, we have a TON of it. I 100% would prefer my significant other to sleep with a brothel worker than a street walker. We’ve had no disease transmission….
I remember as a kid I would sneak onto HBO and watch that show and switch it back to cartoons when parents walked in lmao good times
Street Spankerz SAMMMMME omg there’s probably millions of us that did that
Taxi cab confessions needs to make a come back. But yeah, did the same thing. And that fake old school soft core porn movies on skin-a-max. Hahaha
Hell yeah
me too
Street Spankerz my mom said I will go blind if I keep jerking off and I said I’ll do it Intel I need glass
Damn he looked good for 72
go phins!
Damn he was so good to those girls
..so sad rip..I used to watch cat house all the time
Judgement day !! We all will face one day .. Pray Jesus is on your side
Jackie Harrington Amen
Jackie Harrington but he was a good pimp tho