Elizabeth's 4000cc breast implants got a major infection, and her old doctors incorrectly treated it. Find out if "Botched" doctors Dr. Dubrow and Nassif can help her!
#Botched #EEntertainment #TerryDubrow
About Botched:
“Botched” changes lives and restores hope through remarkable and transformational surgeries. Renowned plastic surgeons Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif’s surgical skills and expertise will be put to the test as they set out to correct damage done from plastic surgeries gone awry as they attempt to fix the unfixable and correct extreme, head-turning plastic surgery nightmares.
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"Botched" Patient Had Fluid Leaking From Where?! | E!
My God she looks nasty and looks like she’s in pain
W T F , i don’t get people like this ….
Code Name if you have a methylation problem yes it can. Look it up. Study a bit. I’m sorry… maybe you can’t. Hmmm sorry.
Code Name it’s not just alt medicine. It’s tailoring nutritional your genetic expressions.
Butterfly Manson Mental issues…Doctors should refuse to perform those operations on people like that.
Whenever people space wtf I just think Wednesday Thursday Friday
Her breasts look…bad!!
Absolutely worst
Kate McCormick absolutely breast that large cause back pain and sagging
As big as her breasts are, her lips make her look like a blow fish
That’s what you think. But there are people who like that look.
noor ayu nd u’r even “worst”.
Very small ? The doctors face at 0:21
Gurpreet Basati i
Gurpreet Basati very small haehae okay
KOKO LOKO best comment ever
I went to LA last month oh my gosh I saw so many botched women with so much scary faces, with face like wax museum, the clones war is in LA ! Horrible
alan wisdom all of them trying to have the ‘instagram look’. It’s sad
brain surgery needed
csc lil

The idea of having some foreign substance in my body just makes me feel sick to my stomach. I don’t know how these people do it.
Qatch the show on Netflix called “the bleeding edge” people do get sick from foreign objects in their body. Including breast implants, it’s called BII. I have implants and I’m currently so sick. Your body uses so much energy trying to fight off the foreign invaders. It’s no joke
Ryan White I agree also most of us have foreign bodies like piercings and tattoos, we colour hair and all that….. but I can’t understand why they think it looks good
ill just be real with you .Its either mental illness or they are just very dumb people who dont do their research. Sometimes they get turnt down by actual proffesionals .Very rarely will a legit surgeont with a good track record leave patients botched . This is black market results
Yeah… Botox, fillers, implants etc. So gross.
I’m happy with my B cup. gee why aren’t some people happy with smaller boobs these days..? There’s nothing wrong with smaller breasts. matter of fact i’m sure it causes less problems as well
Even her bang is botched
The good new can be fix

Some people like them that way! I get clients that want them. I wasn’t a fan at first but it’s growing on me lol
Seda Şeyli. Savage
Her slanted bangs make me uneasy
Hannah Fitzpatrick why do they make me shook *sips tea*
As a hairstylist, they also make me uneasy.
Keen Observation!
Plus her lips and nose
Man plastic surgeons really just can’t say no?? This is ridiculous she looks horrible.. money talks ethics out the window
I watch this and I feel so lucky. Im happy in my body ahhh
bubble Bee she’s happy in her body it’s her mind where the problem is …lol
These people need brain transplants.
How much CC is in her lips
her top lip look like a uncooked sausage e.e
Coonchie girl I’m dead

That was awful; yet it was ever so funny.
why would anyone want tittes that big. insane.
Tip Harden Well… She is a porn star. She probably feels like those watermelon
sized boobs are a career investment. 

Kim kardashian in about 10yrs time.
The saddest part is that she was stunning b4 all the work done
Kris Jenner
plum pulum I’m wheezing
Kim k is almost 40 years old and she looks amazing ,she was beautiful before also ..
Kim has one thing which she hasn’t, its called BRAIN
Body dysmorphic disorder combined with the pressure of being in porn. So sad.
I feel like people need to get some sort of mental evaluation before they are allowed surgery. If I were a medical professional and I clearly saw this woman was suffering mentally I would send her to a counsellor instead of operating on her.
Sarah Barabe I don’t think she’ll take your advice because those doctors in botched actually gave her a best solution but she didn’t take it. I hope she’s fine now.
Lynro Crisps
she got herself into porn. Nobody forced her into it. Same with surgery. That’s really her fault :/ sad
+Sarah Barabe
Many plastic surgeons will send questionable people to a mental health professional before they will do surgery. Unfortunately, many just find another doctor instead.
Yup. It actually looks painful. How would anyone find that attractive?
Barbie’s Great Grandmother On Meth.
+Alx Sad isn’t it?
Omg lol so right!
+Alx really is she actually 22