Actress Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst reveals how faulty plastic surgery flipped her Hollywood fairy tale upside down. Will the "Botched" docs take the case?
#Botched #EEntertainment #TerryDubrow
About Botched:
“Botched” changes lives and restores hope through remarkable and transformational surgeries. Renowned plastic surgeons Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif’s surgical skills and expertise will be put to the test as they set out to correct damage done from plastic surgeries gone awry as they attempt to fix the unfixable and correct extreme, head-turning plastic surgery nightmares.
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Blonde Bombshell's Breast Surgery Threatens Her Life | Botched | E!
If he told u he was screwing a bolt in u honey run what the hell is there to think about.
Juleen Forbes ummm not technically a bad thing. That’s super normal in a lot of surgeries, specifically neurological surgeries in the lands arms legs and feet, also in cases where bones break. Pins and bolts are placed in patients constantly. What they didn’t show here was that she meant a *SCREW* a hardware store *SCREW* unsanitized, poorly applied, not implant grade metal. The doctor ran out of money and still wanted to do her surgery just to keep himself afloat. I’ve had bolts in my ankles when they’ve broken and in my wrist when I tore a tendon. Seriously, it’s super common! It’s the type of screw and where it came from and what the screw was made of and the fact that the doctor didn’t sanitize it that was the issue. Heather has spoken about this before in much more detail if you want to read what I didn’t mention you can google it.
Wow they are so destroyed
omggggooodnesd they are…..
she definitely deserves to feel like a woman again I feel horribly bad for her, not to mention also glad that she’s still alive after getting that MRSA infection! yep like the doctor said they can kill you quick.
Agnes Zajac is
She sounds like Tara Reid
My cousin died from sepsis. Very scary
+Sara Rodrigues omg
Sara Rodrigues I feel bad to try and help you to feel better have a freshly baked cookie and warm milk

I’m sorry for your loss. I had septic shock and almost died 5 yrs ago. I was on life support for 6 weeks. I’ve never been the same.
I’m glad they could help her
Hahaha bolts?? I’m not a plastic surgeon but even I know the dangers of that.
Looks like Bella Thorne
Hey It’sLily oh my god she does
But Bella throne doesn’t look that a deformed Barbie in her 60’s
Hey It’sLily smells like dyslexic
Idk why they keep thinking of serial killers when they talk about cadaver skin… Like the guy is dead, he ain’t gonna do anything to you, Get over it’
Lol i think they worry about getting possessed
and sadly I’m not joking
I work at a hospital and my husband works in their Receiving bay, and any cadaver grafts they get are from EXTREMELY carefully chosen and vetted sources. I’ll never understand the “HURR DURR SERIAL KILLER” notion of it.
Which is odd… because most of them are OKAY with pig skin… wtf?
they’re acting like they’re getting a serial killer’s brain and it’s gonna make them act out lmao
I’d be cool with my left tata having some psychosis if it keeps it from being amputated. Don’t mess with lefty yo, she’s done hard time. Yeah, I’m cray cray and even I know that’s not even a thing.
Heather’s Friend, wow he must be a really really close friend.
She looks horrible..she looks really old but she’s trying to hide it with a ton of makeup but you can see the age and wrinkles through the makeup
She looks like she’s 70

chicken nugget goddess okay? Lose some weight
chicken nugget goddess That’s a reach
No surgeries no risks..stay natural ladies…
I had an emergency c section hahaha
I love my grapefruits
Yup, exactly
poor lady……just so much surgery and now needs surgery to overcome the past surgery…and on and on. Her comment that she is going to drive to her agents and say “I’m back”. She’s 50……Just so sad.
She says one thing that makes me think she’s a total airhead and then she said something realistic and then she goes back to say something to make her look like an airhead again
That’s because the airhead thing makes her money
IKR lmfao
I was like “Oh ok, so she doesn’t even care about big boobs she just wants to get help” “Serial…killer?”
Dolly The Geek shes a smart realistic airhead
“Light at the end of the rainbow” HAAA
I’ve never heard of her
“He put two screws into my chest”
Did he tell you beforehand because I would immediately pack my bags and skeedaddle
Haha same hun
It was the 2 screw’s loose in her head. That’s what he must have used.
sunnie bear Juleen Forbes ummm not technically a bad thing. That’s super normal in a lot of surgeries, specifically neurological surgeries in the lands arms legs and feet, also in cases where bones break. Pins and bolts are placed in patients constantly. What they didn’t show here was that she meant a *SCREW* a hardware store *SCREW* unsanitized, poorly applied, not implant grade metal. The doctor ran out of money and still wanted to do her surgery just to keep himself afloat. I’ve had bolts in my ankles when they’ve broken and in my wrist when I tore a tendon. Seriously, it’s super common! It’s the type of screw and where it came from and what the screw was made of and the fact that the doctor didn’t sanitize it that was the issue. Heather has spoken about this before in much more detail if you want to read what I didn’t mention you can google it.
0:09 nearly puts his glasses on upside down
Dr. Dubrow got his medical degree from UCLA and his Masters from Yale.
Just saying
what does that mean? I mean do you think that’s good or what? Gonna go google him now and see how good a dr he is
I had MRSA when i was in middle school, i got it from keeping my razor in the shower where it can grow bacteria which i dident know. I still have scars on both my legs from it.