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I’m wearing whatever tf I want. And I’ll deal with the reprocusion later.
Where that damn Sombrero make it look good represent LOL I am Hispanic and I don’t mind you or anybody wearing a sombrero like that was from Mexico City I love my and Heritage and I like to see people embrace it
Josephine Castellanos People don’t embrace it, weirdo. People mock you silly Mexicans for being short, unathelitic, and inability to speak English.
As well as your women, short, pot bellied, and un-attractive, except for those chosen few who look white, which means they’re not really Mexican. Go fix your people.
And it’s wear, not “where”. Thank you for proving my point, illiterate beaner.
WTF Sombreros are not Offensive 😂
Am Mexican that lives in Mexico and if you send me a couple dollars I can print out your yearly sombrero wearing pass I’ll pull som strings =-]
So does this mean I can dress up as a hill billy on saint Patrick’s day?
Go right ahead!! I had the same Pancho costume for Pub crawl in mpls people loved it, i got no hate at all
It’s not offensive. Some Mexican people just wanna jump on the sensitive train that’s taking the world by force. But it’s usually the white people who try to defend us on this and then others follow lol
Hou_Rec Bebe is the Mexican dude’s friend but as an artist she has to say what the majority feel because she’ll be targeted by the media and the sensitive community
We don’t see this offensive 😂 tf
Yeah right that’s bs I wear a sombrero everyday.. idk maybe to keep in the shade out of the sun🤤🇺🇸🤘
Only race baiting van was offended by this.
I always wanted to wear a Jewish lil hat!!!😂
Just let that guy have his fun and leave him alone.
This is so funny 😂😂
I’m Mexican and I’m not offended. Im sure it was just the white folks saying “rascism”.
Btw Bebe Rexha is thicc
White people are always getting offended on behalf of every other race 😂😂😂
The only thing offencive about wearing a sombrero is painting on your own mustache if you can’t grow your own mustache that’s when it becomes offencive
Damn I didn’t know she was that thick!
As a latino It is not offensive at all that a person from any background wear a sombrero.
Sigh..nothing wrong wearing a sombrero even if you’re not a Mexican..