Backpack Kid's signature dance, the Floss, is already immortalized in Fortnite … and while he says he never got a penny from the game, he's not sweatin' it — 'cause he's banking on a new dance.
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He has no emotions
+Estrayah Anthony for real
Jordan H show*
Yeah u correct
He doesn’t even have the flossing dance
He gon be doin the money dance if he wins that fortnite lawsuit
He just wants attention
+Nelson Rodriguez it a joke
But if he doesn’t, he’ll be dancing the hype.
+G5 *9 thanks
Cant sue over a dance. Look at the carlton dance
“It’s not that big a deal”
Files lawsuit
+Landon Mcginnis I think cardi b is sueing
For real
You beat me to it.

GOOFY GIRAFFE I subbed to u
I’ve never cringed this hard until now
Recreate Gamer lol!
Hhahah same
” That’s the money dance”

I feel ya all
It is ironic how it is called the money dance and yet he has no money
Yeah he has no money so he ahas to sue fortnite
His mother tried to sue fortnite not backpack kid
The chicken dance exists too
He makes money SMH
I want to say something bad about him but his mom would sue me
44er damn you right tho
No please do, I’ll cover your legal fees
His mum!!
Where’s dad? Flossing?
Popularizing and inventing are two different things. Just saying
Exactly. Wasn’t the floss a dance before it was called the floss?
Juan Centeno-smith yes
+Juan Centeno-smith poatato salad
His head looks like an onion

And it looks like a guitar pick
No it’s a grape
Ethan Cheung he is a onion lol
Ethan Cheung idk but I busted out of laughter
Ethan Cheung LMAO
Let’s see who he copied this time.
Fanzark quick check everywhere, we needa find the original creator of The Money.
He didn’t even make the dance

he tried suing fornite because they use it but got nothing because it’s not his dance
Jhonny Maddox yes that’s the guy
Actually he did make the money dance but not the floos one…just saying
Angela Ziegler after his mom filed a lawsuit he backed his mother up by saying he made the dance etc! He didnt care BEFORE the lawsuit now he does when his mother decided to do that!
+Angela Ziegler he was a part of it as well, look into it
+Aaron Thomas Nope, that “money dance” originated from threes company
*I B E F L O S S I N G*
Ishaan Walia. I B E F L O S S I N
I was watching for this comment
I Be Flossin
*Sid from Ice Age called, he wants his face back.*
Dan Lee I Bet Nobody Here Understands The Reference.
2008 called, they want their joke back
hahaha nice
Don’t forget daffy duck wants his voice back from him
Lol that is the deadest dance ever looks like he’s in a elevator Tryna press a button but slipping on a banana peel at the same time
james dobson loll
On point.
0:06 thats a Lie.
hes just stupid kid ignore him
Why tf is everyone on YouTube using that picture as their profile pic? Like I actually don’t understand. Is this some kind of recent meme that I missed?
+Hyena search up maxamillianmus
1:04 ew
taelicious approves looks awful lmaooo
IKR diskastangghg!
So he knows because he stole the dance “floss”, he must create a NEW dance..evil genius
Stole it from who?
+Brandon Childers From this guy who took it from this other guy who took it from this other guy
Who took it from this other guy who took it from this other guy who took it from this other guy who took it from the dinosaurs
+Hyena flossaourus flex
I swear to god he has autism
+LXGamingIL LXGamingIL it’s not
Autism is too good for this fucking thing
Don’t disrespect people with that condition, he is just a cocky idiot, or like we say in my country un niño de mami
I swear to god he has more money than u
Juan Flores Aspergers and autism are the same thing, one is just on a different spectrum
Wtf did I clicked on this video?
It’s not that big of deal but I’m suing them so it is that big of a deal otherwise you wouldn’t be suing them

+ he stole Flossin & lied like he just randomly made it up 

I actually like it its not that bad