Alyssa Milano Calls for ‘Sex Strike’ Over Georgia Anti-Abortion Law | TMZ TV

Alyssa Milano has declared all-out war on Georgia … urging women to stop having sex until Georgia repeals its law severely limiting abortion.


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  1. I think abortions should be legal as long as the tax payer does not have to pay for it

    • Tremor Drake they don’t. While Planned Parenthood used to receive federal funding, they never used that money for abortions, they used it for primary care services, preventative health screenings and mammograms.

    • I also don’t care about the shithole alabama. That place is so backwards anyway.

    • +Zemen H in Canada they do. The guy and the girl who got pregnant should have to pay for the abortion.

  2. Instead of discarding fetuses when they are removed from the womb, just freeze them and keep them in storage indefinitely. They will never see the light of day. Millions and millions of non abortions kept in a freeze repository. Perfect. Never have to have an abortion again. And never have to watch another unwanted pregnancy.

  3. Can we challenged every Christian household to love their teen daughters if they come home pregnant and not put them to shame if they do? Are they willing to reopen orphanages and not complain about tax dollars being use? No, you rather buy a private jet you say? Hmmmm… Guess not.

  4. I’m starting to understand why England kicked the puritans out … And why it eventually decided the america wasn’t worth fighting for in 1776.

    • The puritans were good people being persecuted by the heretical Church of England

  5. What a stupid idea. Shes probably just frustrated about her stalled (and now nonexistant) acting career

  6. Who cares what she calls for. It’s just a media story and will have no effect on anything.

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