Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has some refreshing thoughts on the highest office in the land, because she tells us she sees no issues with sitting Presidents getting high … on marijuana!!!
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Does the guy with the camera get a good paycheck? I feel bad for him.
she’s gotta be one of the most annoying person on planet earth
beastacz beastacz because she is a strong progressive.
What will annoy you more in the future are things like is raising temperatures, the sixth mass extinction of species, massive debt thanks to tax cuts, rampant pollution due deregulation, etc.
Not relevant

+Jacob Monroe

beastacz beastacz it’s about everyone’s she says she gets wrong
As your watching

+Jacob Monroe no one watches tmz for quality.
This is a true fucktard!!! Oh so this is her GREEN new deal, an ounce of some good green!!!
Overprized Mediocre Weed
no she was asked for her opinion on a popular topic she gave it. valid points. pot isnt a gateway drug, at least half of america if not more has tried if not smoke semi or regularly of it. just look at the stats in the states it is fully legal and medically legal. it has many used not just for smoking but theplants also create hemp which is one of the most diverse materials in the world it can replace plastics even metals in some cases let alone fabrics which is a given. alcohol bar none causes more harm to people and those around then then someone smoking pot. same with cigs.
+Lippy Witch awesome so then I can’t wait to see our president smoking a fat blunt while deciding whether we should nuke North Korea or not!!
+Musicmangm7 honestly if trump did i would feel safer bc it would suggest he wouldnt lmfao. im i never said people should smoke while working but even presidents have down time…. i think trump is a perfect example of one who takes plenty. a spliff before bed i would have zero issue with
America is at war with stupid America . Not any other countries
This lady has the lowest IQ I have ever seen…. can’t believe this could possibly be a person running out country…
She must be smarter than you if shes getting paid more than you and accomplished more than you ever will. I dont like her either but honestly she has beat alot of odds and competition. she must be smarter than the guy she beat for office so that guy that lost to her is dumber than her so thats the guy you gotta go bug for losing to this lady.
I get so confused by comments like this. You guys are obsessed with IQ yet have you seen the way Trump speaks and acts?
carclain yo back to picking at your scabs in the pool creep
And the bankruptcy orange clown has the highest.

Oh wow, she’s so cool and edgy maaaaaan.
Like she asked the question
so is your mom
So in Hitler
but what are the three branches of government??
+Kreepy Pasta *Corporation/Military industrial complex*
+Lippy Witch she does that quite often lol
+Irwin K. no more then any other politician people see what they want and ignore what doesnt fit
She doesn’t know the three branches of government, can’t distinguish the party colors, speaks on geopolitical issues she has no understanding of, can’t do basic accounting…the list goes on. the fact that a former bartender is your idol in Congress is hilarious
Notice she couldnt say tobbaco
Damnnnnnnnnn lol
This is the same lady who released a green plan with stupid ideas in it and then said she didn’t do it and blamed people for photoshopping it.
She maybe popular at the moment but wow she is stupid, she has no business in politics
The same for Trump
She a bartender what you expect
Neither does trump but your probably a fan so let the excuses fly
She gets high off cow farts!
So does your dad
+D Wall I know this is a bot, no human is that lame! lol
After showcasing the disastrous GREEN DEAL and then denying it was hers because it was so bad and widely rejected by the public…..PRICELESS
Lol ok buddie. U live in a fantasy state.
+cokerockstop2 nice rebuttal
+cokerockstop2 It’s true. She had it on the AOC website and then took it down and said it was never there. But everything on the web is archived for you to see. She was caught lying. Of course mainstream media won’t tell you this.
If my jobs is so dangerous that I have to be drug free so does the job of running a country!
Exactly. This was so stupid. Unbelievable
How would smoking at home affect your job?
+nonamenumbrthree I get drug tested at work up to 3 times a year. And most of my time when I am at work I am at work for up to 6 months.
This is why we don’t let bartenders take office
Anyone who supports this lady, is not paying attention to what she says or does. The consequences of anything she tries to implement could be devastating to our economy. Remember folks, nothing is free.
Without subsidies, renewables are more cost cost effective than fossil energy. Lecture us again about devastating economies. Maybe the US needs more tax cuts for the rich?
David Chavez No you could not because their policies are inherently opposite.
+Roberto Giménez That is bad thing you want people to move to renewable energy sources? Then encourage them but ffs dont undercut the competitions.
+Normaali Ihminen Dont undercut the competition? But isn’t that exactly what capitalism is?
David Chavez Then you have twisted view on capitalism if you only look at that angle.
Could this woman be more STUPID? Perhaps marijuana has had the side effect of frying her brain

The irony of you calling someone stupid when no amount of marijuana can fry one’s brain.
But If trump smoked weed she’d say he needs to resign
No, she wouldn’t.