Fake Blood-Pouring Trump Star Vandal Was PETA Worker Who’s Been Fired | TMZ

The guy who poured fake blood on Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame says he was working for PETA when he did the deed … but now he's been canned.


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  1. Have to remember Trump. He was the worse lying manbaby alive.. He will be remembered as the worst POTUS EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MAN KIND… He needs his own planet to make him happy!!

    • +Judy Underwood LMAO ok i will build a wall and mexico will pay for it…lmmfao not a lie aye!!! i wouldn’t couldn’t believe you anymore then him.. Sad life you have if Trump is your roll model!!!

    • +Timothy McClanahan A least you have some unclouded judgment. I really do hope you see the error of your ways. If you’d take a moment to stop focusing on the “bad” and actually look at what he’s done. He’s certainly been one of the better President’s we’ve had. A big example is the fact that he was the first President since the Korean War to actually speak diplomatically with a leader of North Korea.

  2. He is still the president of the United States. It was socially irresponsible in my opinion. The difference is he is the president

  3. When you only live in an echo chamber, all your actions are acceptable. Your doing a disservice to yourself by living this way.

    • he’s just making PETA sound like a bunch of idiots.. although, the smartest thing they’ve done since their inception is fire this lunatic

  4. This isn’t something to be proud of…. Why tf is he speaking of it like it’s some sort of achievement?

    • Because activism of ANY KIND is MORE heroic than a decorated military war veteran these days… NOTHING is considered more heroic than activism and protesting these days where have you been the past couple years since Obama left us and Russia took over? Don’t you watch CNN and the news? Its almost 2019 not 1940 get with the times get woke!!

  5. I would pour *REAL cow-Blood* all over you. Then eat a burger. Bro, Trump’s name will echo in eternity, while NOBODY will care who you are in 1 week. 🍔🍔🍔🍔

  6. That’s like saying, “During my lunch break I robbed a bank. But it was during my lunch break so its okay. It has nothing to do with the company I work for.” As a business owner let me clear it up for you… Anything you do, during work time or not becomes a liability in which you work for.

  7. Talks about people being silenced and then goes on about removing everything Trump. Sounds like he wants more than silencing, he wants complete removal from history.

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